Peaks of Geomagnetic Activity coincide with terrorist acts or civil unrest that leads to the deaths of 7 people or more.
Brought to you by . My background is in expert solar weather forecasting. I have been using these methods to make stock market predictions, predict terrorist attacks, and for anti-aging.. During this pandemic crisis, I will be showing the matches that occur as these cycles unfold. If you are reporter or in law enforcement, you can increase your prepardness in advance, and capture the action or be more prepared for civil unrest BEFORE IT HAPPENS.
If you want customized solar weather forecasts for safe travel and to avoid being in the wrong place at the wrong time, you can email me at
You can see the future periods of geomagnetic activity as they are forecast by Lockheed by visiting this link. However there are other factors involved besides peaking KP activity (solar wind etc). You can learn more about how to forecast these events in the book Solar Flares and their Effects upon Human Behaviour and Health. Knowing when these cycles peak and arrive greatly puts these cycles into perspective, removing unnecessary worry and fear and most of all avoid being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
August 3rd and 4th 2020 was the next peak high of geomagnetic activity. This coincided with the massive beurit blast.
On July 25th, 2020 - Geomagnetic activity reached a high of 27 for the month (Mid-Latitude Fredericksburg K-indices). This coincided with outbreaks of violence in some cities. Geomagnetic activity is expected to calm down by August 3rd, 2020. Below is a clip from the New York Times for July 25th, 2020. And below that is the peak of KP activity for July, 2020.
In summary; I project the following timeline -
The Corona Virus will reach its peak pandemic peak state in the United States of America by early to late fall of 2020.
First Wave
Complete economic collapse will follow. Next a period of ensuing calm.
Second Wave
Final Endgame. After the final period of calm, the domino effect begins. At this time inflation, has skyrocketed; food shortages begin leading to civil unrest.
Third Wave
The United States declares nationwide martial law. Another temporary period of calm ensues, lasting between 4 to 9 months. At this time, resources start dwindling, not just in the United States of America, but in other nations; greatly enhancing the likelihood of a world war.
Fourth Wave
World war and chaos. Humanity's long period of achievement finally collapses into a decades possibly thousands of years of a new dark age. Everything humanity has worked for will be
lost. Recovery will not occur for perhaps thousands of years; if at all. Some of you may think that a new type of agrarian economy will emerge. These communes or independent communities will be the first to raided when resources become scarce. This scenario already played out in World War II. Or the recent attacks on remote farms in Syria. The only communities that will survive will be the nomadic tribes that have done so for thousands of years.
While this sounds grim; it is a very, very real possibility. As I wrote in my article years ago titled: Glaucoma, Sunspots, The Coming Stock Market Crash and the Next Great War; economic recovery occurs when solar activity is on an uptrend. As of March 2020; this uptrend is yet tohappen.THIS IS WHY IF CALM ENSUES AND COLLECTIVE PANIC DOES NOT TAKE HOLD,WE WILL VERY LIKELY SEE AN ECONOMIC RECOVERY IN THE COMING YEARS AHEAD.
There are large interests afoot that would love to take advantage of this global pandemic in order to satisfy their lust for power; however they don't understand that change is inevitable and that they must accept change and that instead of taking advantage of chaos; they need to put their Ego's aside and work towards a solution; not just short term, but long term.
Could Globalists take advantage of this crisis in order to manipulate the global population into accepting a centralized global monetary system?. Perhaps with long term plans to re-introduce eugenics and population reduction? I cover Eugenics in greater detail in my article Who Began the Eugenics Movement?outlining who was behind the push for Eugenics before World War II.
I have put together some resources that will greatly enhance your ability to survive when (IF) food becomes scarce.
Edible Plants and Seaweeds of Hawaii. Adocument I prepared today that shows edible plants andfood in the wild on the islands of Hawaii.
Never visit your Dentist again. Natural herbs and remedies for reducing or eliminating cavities and tooth loss. The Complete Guide to Natural Toothache Remedies and Re-mineralization.
If you decide to live in a remote area, you can utilize the cycles of nature and the universe to live in harmony with nature. These cycles are invaluable to anyone that practices Tai Chi, wants to maximize their anti-aging routine or wants to make the most out of living in nature. This one is my favorite, after practicing high level Tai Chi anti-aging exercises, I now require 1/3rd the amount of food to live on, as well have 3 times more energy. Instructions and exercises can be found in the book. The exercise also makes the body much more resistant to cold weather. Fourth Revision -The Emerald Tablets by Thoth the Atlantean.
And finally there is the camping survival book. The Any Climate Survival Guidebook. MaintainResilience in Rain, Snow or Desert..This is a great book if you choose to live in the mountains orforest and need to survive climatic extremes. A must in this time of climate change.
As resources continue to dry up, meat will become scarce. An excellent book on adapting to a diet without meat; in order to keep your protein levels adequate so you have abundant energy is The Vegetarian's Guide to Longevity via Gene Therapy and Raw Foods.
For anti-aging: my best book is Reverse Aging Naturally. Alchemy and Ayurveda Longevity Anti-aging Secrets. Also myanti-aging PDFhasgood info.
Using the Sun for Anti-Aging
Anti-aging exercises work best when the sun is at 24 degrees (best) and at 29 degrees. Other good cycles include when the moon is in Virgo (best) or Sagittarius. You can find out when the moon is in these houses by looking at a moon void of course calendar. You can get sun angles by downloading the new .PDF's shown on the asteroids page.
Please note; using visualization exercises when the sun is at these angles leads to enhanced, overnight healing such as aches, pains etc. To put it simply when you connect with the sun at these times at around 10 p.m. when these sun angles occur, rejuvenating and healing energy is available that can be tapped into. A crude example of this is shown in the Emma Instant Healingarticle I published years ago. To put it simply the restoration and nourishment of new plant life occurs in cycles. These cycles have peak energy which are the sun angles of 24 and 29 degrees or moon in
Virgo. One can tap into these energies to create profound healings. If any of you have seen the movie holocene manit is about the story of a man who would go out into nature every now and then. The man had lived for thousands of years. The movie also states that he was once Jesus and if you some of you know your Bible, Jesus was the son (SUN) of Mary and in astrology, Mary is represented by the constellation Virgo. It took me years to figure out these cycles of energy and once I started experiencing it for myself, it all made sense.
All my books come with free previews.
In closing, I would like to the readers of my books, articles and interest in my website(s) over the years. Tremendous progress has been made in allowing one to take responsibility for their own health and realize their true potential.
Mahalo from Hawaii
Scott Rauvers