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The Lahaina Noon Phenomena

Having lived in Hawaii for almost 15, years I have encountered the phenomena Lahaina Noon on numerous occassions.  It was during this time that the website was initiated. I am reminded of the movie Paycheck, where scientists build a device that directs an electromagnetic energy field that goes around the entire curvature of the universe, back to the same point it began. This allowed the scientists to look at future events.  It is also interesting that Dick Allgire also lives in Hawaii, actually on the same island as I did, Oahu.  However we both no longer live in Hawaii.  Dick Allgire is one of the best remote viewers (or psychics) in the world to date, famous for remote viewing 911. Could it be that remote viewing in Hawaii is more accurate than at other places at earth becaue of the Lahaina Noon phenomena ?

What is Lahaina Noon?
Lahaina Noon is when the sun's rays are directly overhead that no object on the ground casts a shadow. Flagpoles, telephone poles cast no shadow whatsoever.In other words, this effect occurs because the Sun's rays strike the planet exactly perpendicular to its surface. This phenomena also occurs during the First Quarter Moon. As a matter of fact during the moon's first quarter and last quarters, the Moon lies perpendicular to a line between Earth and the Sun.  And I have just published a research paper confirming that intuition and precogntion is greatly enhanced during the moon's first quarter and that time-slips have occured during this time.

In Hawaiʻi, Lahaina Noon takes place between mid-May and late July at different days and times on different islands each year. The islands of Kauaʻi and Oʻahu will experience Lahaina Noon around the summer solstice (June 20-22). I state in my research paper that the flow of time rotates as a sprial or helix. To an observer the subsolar point on earth, it appears to move westward completing a circuit around the globe each day, approximately moving along the equator. It also moves north and south between the tropics over the course of a year. Hence it is spiraling like a DNA helix.

Getting back to the movie Paycheck.  If you could shoot a lazer out into the universe, and because the universe is curved, the laser would return right back to its point of origin, than you could see the future.  What if the Lahaina Noon effect is similar? Because the sun's rays are shining EXACTLY straight down, with no shadow, perhaps there is some unseen energy that flows through the sun to earth creating a similar effect to the technology seen in the movie paycheck. During the moon's first quarter, neap tides take place on earth. Neap tides occur as the gravitational effect of the sun and the moon cancel each other out. Black holes in outer space also have this effect, if you push 2 black holes close together, a point where the holes cancel each other out never occurs.  This creates a zero gravity between them (cancelling each other out).  However thers exists a ledge between them, below the near zero gravity of empty space. So, because we have cancellation effects occuring during these "windows into time" could this mean that a way to see the future is by canceling out specific attributes in an system?  Let's look at the data for clues

Researchers produced light beams in the laboratory that travel faster than the normal speed of light.  It exists as a pulse of light which passes through a transparent chamber that is filled with cesium gas. This allows it to be pushed to speeds of 300 times the normal speed of light. This is so fast that the pulse exits the chamber even before it enters. My early research into the Neutrino Prescient Chip utlized cesium. However after further research, I discovered better substances that get better results.

Getting back to the research study, the effect acts in such a way that if a person was looking through a window to see a man slip, he would witness it taking place before people next to him o the sidewalk would see it happen. Hence distance is responsible for creating echo effects in time. Research by Dr. Daniela Mugnai and his team also witnessed slightly faster-than-c propagation of microwaves through ordinary air, which was published in the May 22 issue of Physical Review Letters. Dr. Ranfagni stated they used an ingenious set of reflecting optics to create microwave pulses which travelled as much as 25 percent faster than c over short distances. As stated earlier, the device in the movie Paycheck used optics to see into the future.

Dr. Wang designed a chamber that amplified the waves of laser light, which shone on the cesium atoms. He than used a second beam that passed through the chamber to soak up the energy and amplify it. Hence we see two parts.  What is interesting is during the moon's first and last quarters there is a light side and a dark side of the moon are exactly half lit, which is why the first and last quarter moons are known as half moon's.

Dr. Wang discovered that normal air will allow the interacting pulsations to be the same, however in an atmosphere of cesium the pulses and waves are able to travel in opposite directions (cancel each other out).  This allows backward light waves to occur, or in other words the peaks of one wave packet overlap the troughs of the other, so they are able to cancel each other out. Hence an observer looking at the beginning and end of the experiment would observe only a pulse of light that jumped forward in time by moving faster than the speed of light.


I also find it interesting that Berkely anthropologist Hank Wesselman had written a book about having a strong connection an ancestor of his that lived 5,000 years in the future. Hank Wesselman lived on the Big Island of Hawaii.

So in closing, it may be that the right substances, when excited to the right frequenices and velocities, create a cancellation effect, which than has an effect on space-time.


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