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Latest Published Book - May 2021
Traditional Chinese Medicinal Herbs and Essential Oils for the Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 and SARS
Updated May
25th, 2021
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EZ3DBIZ.COM is the brainchild of Mr. Scott Rauvers, founder of the Solar Institute
Predicting Large Scale Events that Affect Large Regions or Large Populations using Cycles of the Sun
The energies emitted by our sun can be used to forecast large scale events that unexpectedly impact our civilization. This is because our sun influences the collective consciousness of all living things on our planet. Because our sun has cycles that we can now predict, once we study past trends such as weather, markets, disease etc., and how previous solar weather affected these trends, it gives us a guide map to plot and forecast future trends based on the future activity of solar weather. We can then create a rough timeline of when that particular trend will be affected, thus saving lives, time and resources.
These impacts can be both positive and negative.
Click on a topic below to explore the future trend of that category as well as see articles published by the Solar Institute showing how the trend is calculated.
Sunspot cycles and the Markets
Sunspot cycles and the Markets Part 2
Solar Activity and Terrorist Attacks / Mass Shootings
Solar Cycles and Political Change and Civil Unrest
Earth's Future Weather according to Solar Cycles
Solar Activity and Instant Healing (exposing infected body parts to direct sun with a cloudless sky) (coming soon)
Solar Activity Severe Weather and Tornadoes
Solar Activity and immediate weather changes
Please note some of the above articles NOAA's links are out of order due to their upgrade. These links will all be replaced in time.
Nature does not use a universal language, although it is speaking to us all the time. The key is to identify what the language is, then you'll uncover its secrets.