Ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi), the natural herb scientifically proven to be as Effective as Some Prescription Antibiotics
This text is an excerpt from the book Secret Strategies and Techniques the Pros use for Reversing Aging due for publication around October 2020.
Over the years of after having written thousands of pages about anti-aging, one trend stands out; some of the most powerful anti-aging substances are antibiotics. So when my research turned up Ajwain, I decided to combine it with the St. Germain Extract, which is also a very mild natural antibiotic. To my surprise I discovered that it has a very powerful anti-aging effect, as well as antiviral and anti-microbial effects; making it a great COVID19 Preventative. So I added the formula to the COVID19 Natural Supplements Page.
Indeed after further research I discovered that Ajwain is stronger than some antibiotics. A research study found that Ajwain is abundant in Thymol, which has been shown to kill bacteria resistant microorganism and shows effectiveness against third generation antibiotics as well as multi-drug resistant microbial pathogens. The study found that Ajwain works as a natural plant based 4th generation herbal antibiotic formulation.
Saxena AP, Vyas KM. Antimicrobial activity of seeds of some ethnomedicinal plants. J Econ Taxonomic Bot. 1986;8:291–300.
On my COVID19 Natural Supplements Page, I show that anti-malarials are some of the most potent weapons one can use to fight COVID19. As will be shown in this article Ajwain exhibits anti-malarial properties; hence anti-malarials may hold promise in the field of anti-aging regenerative medicine in the future. For any of you wanting to dive deep into how Ajwain works. You can find out how to make the St. Germain Formula yourself by reading any of my anti-aging books, or you can read the process for free by downloading my anti-aging formula worksheet .
From my personal experience of purchasing Ajwain, I have always used the herb, made into an extract, which keeps for months on end, as does the St. Germain Extract. This is a key attribute to an anti-aging compound, is that it does not spoil easily. Many extracts I have made over the years go bad within a few months, but I discovered that the most potent anti-aging extracts would last for years. You can find out how to make your own extracts in my book The Official Guidebook of How to Make Tinctures and Alchemy Spagyric Formulas. The majority of Ajwain I purchase has been from India which currently seems to be short supply; perhaps to greater awareness that Ajwain is an effective killer of germs and people are taking it as a preventitive against COVID19.
Now let's get down to understanding why Ajwain is such a powerful natural antibiotic.
Research conducted by A. Luca and colleagues at King Saud University, published in the Arabian Journal of Chemistry, under the heading Diverse biological effects of the essential oil from Iranian Trachyspermum ammi in 2016, that the oil of Ajwain exhibited antibacterial activity that was comparable to that of the prescribed antibiotic ciprofloxacin.
The researchers identified the major constituent as thymol which was present at a remarkable 67.4% in the oil.
Saxena AP, Vyas KM. Antimicrobial activity of seeds of some ethnomedicinal plants. J Econ Taxonomic Bot. 1986;8:291–300.
Thymol is found in abundance in the spice Thyme, which has powerful natural anti-microbial properties (as does oregano). Many anti-microbials are used to preserve food and indeed Ajwain has been proven to protect against food spoilage by inhibiting the growth of all test fungi by 72-90%. This is a remarkable finding.
The study goes on to state that Ajwain essential oil killed Gram-positive bacteria (which in the mouth causes tooth decay) and was quite effective in doing so; with S. aureus being more susceptible to the Ajwain oil than E. faecalis. As I show in my book The Complete Guide to Natural Toothache Remedies and Re-mineralization, (which is currently undergoing a 2020 revision) S. aureus is partly responsible for tooth decay; hence an Ajwain mouthwash may help prevent cavities; some mouthwashes already have thymol or thyme in them. Further studies need to confirm this hypothesis.
The researchers in the study also stated Ajwain exhibited significant radical scavenging activity and also shows major antioxidant potential. This has been confirmed by earlier studies (Alma et al., 2003; Ozturk, 2012; Quiroga et al., 2015). This is a major finding because it bumps up Ajwain into the class of anti-aging herbs, due to its extremely high free radical scavenging ability. The study also concluded that Ajwain’s antioxidant activity is comparable to commercially available antioxidants found on the market today. In the same study, a detailed analysis of Ajwain, researchers found Ajwain oil was as potent in fighting disease causing bacteria with inhibition zones measuring higher than those of a standard antibiotic. The results were especially remarkable for its ability to fight Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans, which are found in the stomach, making it a great way to keep the stomach strong and healthy. As a matter of fact, Ajwain has been officially administered to treat or cure stomach disorders,
The wealth of India, A dictionary of Indian Raw Materials and Industrial Products Publications and Information Directorate. Vol. 21. New Delhi: CSIR; 1976.
Singh VK, Singh S, Singh DK. Phytochemistry Pharmacology. Vol. 2. Houston, Texas, USA: Stadium Press; 2003. Pharmacological effects of spices. In Recent Progress in Medicinal Plants; pp. 321–53.
Ajwain Effectively Kills all forms of Colon Cancer Cells
Colon cancer comes in many types and varieties, making it hard to treat. The same study discovered to the authors' amazement that Ajwain oil was particularly cytotoxic on colon carcinoma cells (it kills colon cancer cells) and was active against ALL OF THEM. The results were also dose dependant, meaning a "sweet spot" exists that the right dosage must be taken in order to properly kill all the colon cancer cells. The study also discovered that Ajwain oil was effective in killing breast cancer cells (MDA-MB 231) and melanoma (A375). The researchers also stated that Ajwain oil also exhibited strong cytotoxic activity on colon cancer cells which was trigged by an enhancement of immune system cells, suggesting that Ajwain oil also creates a strong and robust immune system.
The Healing Power of Thymol
Thymol is found in abundance in the cooking spice Thyme (it also contains c-terpinene). It is found in Ajwain at levels ranging from 35 to 60%. Thymol is a strong natural germicide, fungicide and antispasmodic agent. The non-thymol constituents in Ajwain oil are made up of c-terpinene, a-pinene, b-pinene, p-cymene and other minor components (Zarshenas et al., 2014). Because its anti-microbial properties are so concentrated, it is key that it is properly processed and the dosages used are properly administered for maximum healing. Thymol has been shown to be effective in killing lung cancer cells (Ozkan and Erdogan, 2012) leukemia cells and human glioblastoma cells (Hsu et al., 2011). Studies by Bourgou et al. (2010) looked at the cytotoxic activity of c-terpinene and its effectiveness against human lung cancer cells and colon cancer cells achieving a remarkable IC50 P 100 lM (13.62 lg/mL) on both cell lines.
Ajwain Oil is Fungi Toxic
Various form of mold/fungi can be or turn toxic. Ajwain essential oil has been shown to be effective across a broad spectrum of fungi toxic fungi such as A. niger, A. ochraceus, P. viridicatum, P. madriti, F. monoliforme, F. graminearum, Pencillium citrium, A. flavus, A. oryzae and C. lunata.
Antibacterial and Antifungal Activities of Spices. Qing Liu et al. June 2017.
Anti-Malarial Potential of Ajwain Oil
Ajwain oil has been scientifically validated to exhibit repellent type activity against the effects of the mosquito Anopheles stephensi (Pandey et al., 2009) and Ajwain oil exhibited larvicidal activity against Aedes aegypti (Seo et al., 2012). This makes it a promising treatment for the management of malaria and yellow fever.
Ajwain oil as a Male Contraceptive
Ajwain oil shows strong spermicidal potential, making it a possible effective substance for use as a natural male contraceptives (Paul and Kang, 2011, 2012).
A Detailed Analysis of Ajwain Seed
Besides Thymol, Ajwain seed is made up of the following -
fiber (11.9%)
carbohydrates (38.6%)
tannins, glycosides, moisture (8.9%)
protein (15.4%)
fat (18.1%)
saponins, flavone and mineral matter (7.1%)
It also contains calcium, phosphorous, iron and nicotinic acid.
The fruit of Ajwain contains a 2% to 4% brownish essential oil, with thymol being the major constituent (35% to 60%)
Ishikawah T, Sega Y, Kitajima J. Water-soluble constituents of ajowan. Chem Pharm Bull. 2001;49:840–4.
In the nonthymol fraction analysis Ajwain contains -
para-cymene, γ-terpenine, dipentene, α-terpinene, α- and β-pinenes and carvacrol.Small amounts of myrcene,
camphene and α-3-carene have also been found in the plant Ajwain. When Ajwain is made into an alcoholic extract, it exhibits strong hygroscopic saponin properties.
Chopra RN. Chopra's Indigenous Drug of India. 2nd ed. Calcutta: Academic Publishers; 1982. pp. 93–4.
Garg SN, Kumar S. A new glucoside from Trachyspermum ammi. Fitoterapia.
This is an important finding, because as I illustrate in great detail throughout my anti-aging books, substances that exhibit hygroscopic reduce bad bacteria's ability to cling to surfaces. They are especially effect in preventing tooth decay as I outline in detail in my natural tooth healing remedies book shown earlier.
When it comes to the concentrated oil content in Ajwain, the main oils in Ajwain are carvone (46%), limonene (38%), and dillapiole (9%). This means that Ajwain my exhibit synergy with Rosemary, which also contains an abundance of Carvone. Further studies are needed to confirm this hypothesis. Carvone is also very effective in helping to reduce coughs when made into an aerosol spray or inhaled.
Boskabady MH, Jandaghi P, Kiani S, Hasanzadeh L. Antitussive effect of Carum copticum in guinea pigs. J Ethnopharmacol. 2005;97:79–82.
Choudhury S. Composition of the seed oil of Trachyspermum ammi (L.) Sprague from northeast India. J Essent Oil Res. 1998;10:588–90.
Detoxification Properties of Ajwain
Ajwain has been shown to be effective in the detoxification of aflatoxins
Velazhahan R, Vijayanandraj S, Vijayasamundeeswari A, Paranidharan V, Samiyappan R, Iwamoto T, et al. Detoxification of aflatoxins by seed extracts of the medicinal plant, Trachyspermum ammi (L.) Sprague ex Turrill Structural analysis and biological toxicity of degradation product of aflatoxin G1. Food Control. 2010;21:719–25.
And remarkably Ajwain was shown to protect the liver against toxins. The hepatoprotective actions (in vivo) exhibited a remarkable 80% protective effect in studies conducted on mice when they were injected with paracetamol, at lethal doses (1 g/kg). Ajwain was shown to normalize high serum levels of liver enzymes which was caused liver damage from injecting the paracetamol into the mice.
Gilani AH, Jabeen Q, Ghayur MN, Janbaz KH, Akhtar MS. Studies on the antihypertensive, antispasmodic, bronchodilator and hepatoprotective activities of the Carum copticum seed extract. Journal of Ethnopharmacol. 2005;98:127–35.
Ajwain Protects Against Oxidative Stress
When oxidative stress was induced in rats, which is the primarily cause of aging and disease, when the rats were fed Ajwain extract beforehand, it resulted in increased levels of their Superoxide Dismutase, catalase, glutathione S-transferase (GST), GSH, GSH-peroxidase and G-6-PDH as well as decreased their hepatic levels of lipid peroxides. The study concluded that the rats taking Ajwain extract before experiencing oxidative stress, that the oxidative stress could be reduced. This is a significant finding because oxidative stress occurs with extreme exercise. This means taking an extract of Ajwain before or after extreme exercise may help a person recover faster and / or increase their endurance.
Anilakumar KR, Saritha V, Khanum F, Bawa AS. Ameliorative effect of ajwain extract on hexachlorocyclohexane-induced lipid peroxidation in rat liver. Food Chem Toxicol. 2009;47:279–82.
Ajwain Enhances Bile Acids and Increases Digestion
As I show in my latest anti-aging book Reverse Aging Naturally. Alchemy and Ayurveda Longevity Anti-aging Secrets., healthy bile acids are vital to a long lifespan. Researchers studying the digestive stimulant properties (in vivo and in vitro) of Ajwain discovered that it increased the secretion of gastric acid (a healthy bile acid). The study further goes on to state that the levels of Gastric acid increased almost nearly four-fold by Ajwain. This is a major finding because as the body ages, it secretes less bile acids, making it harder for the stomach to effectively pass food through the stomach.
Vasudevan K, Vembar S, Veeraraghavan K, Haranath PS. Influence of intragastric perfusion of aqueous spice extracts on acid secretion in anesthetized albino rats. Indian J Gastroenterol. 2000;19:53–6.
In studies conducted on rat, adding Ajwain to their diet reduced the amount of time food passed through their stomachs and most of all enhanced the activity of their digestive enzymes and caused a higher secretion of bile acids to be secreted. This also is a major finding because a strong healthy digestive system is one of the 5 golden keys to longevity.
Platel K, Srinivasan K. Studies on the influence of dietary spices on food transit time in experimental rats. Nutr Res. 2001;21:1309–14.
Ajwain Lowers lipids
Another hallmark of aging are lipids. Higher lipids usually means shorter lifespan. When Ajwain powder was added at the dose of 2 g/kg per body weight it was found to be extensively effective in lowering lipids via decreased cholesterol levels.
Javed IM, Akhtar T, Khaliq MZ, Khan G, Muhammad M. Antihyperlipidaemic effect of Trachyspermum ammi (Ajwain) in rabbits. In: Faisalabad: Proc 33rd All Pakistan Science Conference University of Agriculture. 2002:80–1.
Ajwain Boosts Estrogen
Many ingredients listed in the St. Germain Formula have shown to boost Estrogen Levels. This in turn strengthens bones. A research study conducted by The National Dairy Research Institute in India investigated the estrogenic content of some herbs, including Ajwain's ability to increase milk yield in dairy cattle. Out of a number of 8 herbs that were tested for total phytoestrogen content, Ajwain came in second out of the list (473 ppm) making it a powerful Estrogen booster (total phytoestrogen contents 131-593 ppm).
Kaur H. Estrogenic activity of some herbal galactogogue constituents. Indian J Anim Nutr. 1998;15:232–4.
Ajwain's Anti-inflammatory Effects
Inflammation is one of the hallmarks of aging. It reduces the body's to fight off disease as reduces the body's ability to recover from injury. In studies conducted on Animals, Ajwain exhibited significant (P<0.001) anti-inflammatory effects due to its ability to increase the size of their adrenal glands and extracts of Ajwain Seeds exhibited significant anti-inflammatory properties.
Thangam C, Dhananjayan R. Antiinflammatory Potential Of The Seeds Of Carum Copticum Linn. Indian J Pharmacol. 2003;35:388–91. (Trachyspermum ammi. Ranjan Bairwa et al. Jan 2012.)
Further Reading
Diverse biological effects of the essential oil from
Iranian Trachyspermum ammi. Luca A et al. King Saud University. Arabian Journal of Chemistry. 2016.
Chemical constituents, antifungal and ant oxidative effects of Ajwain essential oil and its acetone extract. Singh G., Maurya S., Catalan C., de Lampasona M.P. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2004;52:3292–3296. doi: 10.1021/jf035211c.
Nature does not use a universal language, although it is speaking to us all the time. The key is to identify what the language is, then you'll uncover its secrets.
