Bigu and other QI GONG Anti-Aging Techniques for Extending Lifespan
This text is from my upcoming anti-aging book, which includes the latest anti-aging studies. It is due for publication in mid-october 2020.
During late 2020, I revised by book Deciphering Tablet Number XIII The Keys of Life and Death by Thoth the Atlantean, which goes into detail about an ancient Egyptian QI Gong exercise. The book is about an ancient tablet that allegedly contained information regarding the fountain of youth. My book is filled with many of the discoveries I have made regarding this unique exercise over the years. I have decided to include this chapter about Bigu, because it contains many very important discovers documenting that QI Gong energy can clearly affect the genes, extend lifespan and improve overall health and well-being.This has already been confirmed in detail in a meta-data analysis study (Bigu State: Can Meditation Trigger Alternate Metabolic Pathways Through Epigenetic Changes? Lian Sidorov et al. Journal of Nonlocality Vol II, Nr 2, December 2013. ISSN: 2167-6283).
Scientific Studies confirming that an active lifestyle associated with low caloric intake is possible by practicing Bigu.
One branch of Qigong, known as “Bigu” is the ability for one to carry out a normal and active lifestyle with little or no caloric intake in their diet. At the first National Conference on the Bigu Manifestation, Health Effects and Scientific Research of Yan Xin Qigong that was conducted at Pennsylvania State University from June 23 to 25, 2000, approximately 100 of the attendees stated they could successfully achieve this state. Also they were able to sustain active normal active lives in the academic and corporate worlds, while eating no solid food (or an equivalent of between 250 and 300 calories daily. This is versus the recommended 2,000+ calories required for a most people). They stated they were able to maintain this dietary schedule for weeks, months and even years at a time.
Out of 100 Bigu "masters" that attended the conference in 2000, many of the attendees were professionals (United States doctors). The other group was composed of university professors. Within this professional group some had subjected themselves to being closely monitored and had the studies documented in US medical research centers (Roy 2002, Yan et al., 2002a). The data from these studied cumulated in very unusual metabolic profiles that were clearly distinct from those seen from people suffering from starvation (Yan et al., 2002 b).
In an in vitro study that was performed at the University of California, San Diego, a research report that was published in 2002 (Yan et al., 20002 b), clearly demonstrated that healthy cells (grown in a culture without essential nutrients) that were remotely "irritated" using a QI Gong technique known as "Yan Xin", caused 65% of cells to survive for a period of 8 weeks or more while the control group survived only 3 days, or the same amount of time that a body can survive for when deprived of food. All samples were grown under identical conditions (Zhang FD, Zhao J, Yue HQ, Liu GQ, and Liu, A (1990). Study of molecular biology of functional mechanism of emitted qi on proteins; Guangzhou, China. 1990: 62), (Yan Xin 2002 a). This is a very significant finding because it clearly proves that the proper type of QI Gong, and its associated energy, is emitting some type of force that is nourishing cells (perhaps in the near infrared region).
Conference chair Dr. Rustum Roy believes that over time Bigu meditation techniques cause the body to adapt to a more balanced and efficient state of functioning on far less calories (or it may make use of the limited calorie intake in a more efficient manner). It has been scientifically confirmed that a decreased caloric intake is reduces oxidative stress and cellular damage that is associated with the respiratory chain (Poljsak 2011, Holloszy and Fontana 2007, Sohal and Weindruch 1996). In turn, this increases lifespan in multiple species.
In summary, a lifestyle of Bigu protocol requires dietary modification (extreme) that is not currently understood in today's association of how the body's metabolic pathways operate. Hence, can the historic stories of mystics “living on light” (Straubinger, 2010) have anything to teach us about how our body and meditation can alter our physiology, which in turn can lead to a more healthy and longer life? If any of you have seen the movie Holocene man, it is the story about a Californian University Professor that was physically immortal. Every few weeks he would go out into a remote wilderness area and "re-connect" with nature. This is a great movie to watch and the plot to the movie may have come out of the 2000 Bigu Manifestation Conference at Pennsylvania State University.
Meditation Anti-Aging Studies
Because Bigu is a form of meditation, we can look for the answers regarding meditation as to why the body can survive with low caloric intake. Studies already confirm that meditation triggers ROS-protective genetic expression changes in the human body. (non-nutrient deprived) individuals (Bigu State: Can Meditation Trigger Alternate Metabolic Pathways Through Epigenetic Changes? Lian Sidorov et al. Journal of Nonlocality Vol II, Nr 2, December 2013. ISSN: 2167-6283).
Meditation Alters Genes
Recent studies in the 2000's have confirmed that meditation triggers genome-wide expression changes; in as little as 2 hours. This in turn can cause significant or lasting changes to hundreds or even thousands of genes. These genes can cover a wide range of metabolic functions. To certain degrees, the type of meditation that is used will vary the number of genes that are activated (Ravnik-Glavac et al., 2012; Qu et al., 2013; Li et al., 2005). Also in the 2000's studies now confirm that gene expression can be significantly modulated via External Qi treatment (in vitro cell cultures) (Yan X. et al., 2012). Studies by Dusek found that meditation caused a significant enrichment of electron transfer gene sets. It also enhanced oxidative phosphorylation.
Studies conducted by Chien et al. (1991) examined the bi-directional effects of external QI Gong on FS-4 human fibroblasts. His study discovered that "facilitating" QI caused a 1.8% increase in cell growth in just 24 hrs. There was also a 10 to 15% increase in DNA synthesis as well as a 3 to 5% increase in the cell protein synthesis during the 2 hours the cells were bombarded with QI Energy from the practitioner.
Early studies conducted by Zhang et al. (1990) researched the effects of emitted QI Gong energy on nucleic acids of chick red blood cells. His studies discovered a 12-fold increase in RNA content and a two-fold increase in DNA content. These are major discoveries, because these small changes at the biological level, eventually cause major changes in the body's physiology, which can greatly enhance the body's health and vitality.
Varying Types of Meditation Cause Varying Biological Effects
The type of visualization or meditation will cause a different biological change. For example, studies conducted by Laskow and Rein found that four different specific types of intent projected by the same practitioner caused different types of magnetic signatures that had their own unique energy. This in turn caused the way the biological effects affected tumor cells (in cultures) (Benor, 2001). In experiments sending healing energy from a remote distance, studies by McCraty and Rein (1994) discovered that a 250% change in DNA conformation took place. This correlation was dependent upon the intent of the remote healer. Also directional unwinding or winding of DNA under specific intent was successfully repeatedly demonstrated by Rein and his colleagues team over the period of a number of years. Some of his teams samples exhibited more denaturation than was able to be obtained via heating or mechanical manipulation (Benor 2001).
Mental Visualization Enhances the Body's T-Cells
In studies conducted in the early 90's by Achterberg and Rider, they demonstrated that training participants in cell specific visualization of either neutrophils or T lymphocytes caused a statistical increase in their cell blood levels. The increase was correlated with the type of visualization used (NIH 1992).
Are Biophotons Responsible for Carrying the Nutrition necessary for the Body's Cells to Live on?
Studies confirm that meditation reduces biophoton emissions (lower biophoton emissions are linked to better health) as well as oxidative stresses (Mahagita 2011; van Wijk E. et al., 2008; van Wijk and Koch 2006; van Wijk and Ludtke, 2008; Kim et al, 2005; Schneider et al., 1998).
In short summary, alternate metabolic pathways that become triggered by meditation cause fewer products of oxidation in the body's cells, thus reducing oxidative stress. This may account for the observed reductions in biophoton counts. This in turn may cause conformational changes in certain biomolecules such as chromatin. Chromatin has been documented to correlate with fluctuations in the levels of biophotons (Popp et al 1984; Gericke, 2006). This in turn may enhance overall biophysical coherence (Popp et al., 1984, Popp 2003, Bajpai 2003, Van Wijk E. et al, 2008; van Wijk and Ackerman 2005) as well as support beneficial quantum biological effects (Sponer et al. 2012, Trevors and Masson 2011; Bajpai 2003; Sidorov and Chen, 2006). This may in turn result in reduced dissipation, causing a more efficient utilization of cellular signaling and energy (Sun et al., 2010; Rahnama et al., 2011).
Exploring QI Gong Energy and Biophotons in Greater Detail
It has been clearly documented that a sender/receiver EEG synchronization exists between isolated subjects receiving various forms of QI Gong energy (Radin 2006). Also it has been documented that biophotons travel along single neurons and play important roles in cell-to-cell signaling (Popp 2003, Sun et al, 2010; Rahnama et al., 2011). Studies by Rahnama et al. and colleagues show that biophotons modulate the amount of coherence in mitochondrial microtubules and that the fluctuations in the microtubules distinctly correlate with alpha-EEG activity.
In summary, it may be that biophotons behave as an overarching signaling, control and transfer mechanism. This allows a coherent expression of alternate metabolic pathways; which exists in the Bigu state as well as similar types of QI Gong practice. Hence, changes in biophoton emission are taking place immediately after QI Gong exercises. These changes may be taking place by information or energy transmission occurring between the cells. The hypothesis of a “remote metabolism” has described by Pitkanen (2013b).
Remote Wireless Communication Between Plants
External Qigong energy has been clearly shown to affect targets at remote locations. Hundreds of DMILS studies (Benor 2001; Dossey and Schwartz; Sidorov and Chen 2006; Radin 1997; Qigong Institute Research Bibliography) show this little understood phenomenon in greater detail. Remote metabolism has been incorporated into the TGD model (Pitkanen 2013 b) suggesting an extremely simple process exists to produce ATP without involving the standard metabolic pathway and that this new pathway may avoid the production of excess free radicals. Detailed experiments by Backster in the early 2000's demonstrated that remote communication between plants occurred when they were wired to a polygraph detector and the cell cultures were put under stress (Backster, 2003). This may mean that the communication signal is enhanced when the cells are deprived of nutrients, allowing them to survive longer. This wireless transmission effect may could explain the ability to survive without nutrition (Roy 2000, Yan Xin 2002 b). Studies conducted by Tesla over a hundred years ago (see Pitkanen 2013 b] theorized that the mechanism may exist as anomalies associated with cell membrane activity.
How does the QI Gong form of meditation Bigu cause the body to adapt to severe caloric restrictions in diet?
Could Bigu, which is a form of QI Gong, involve an reactivation of specific types of silenced genes? or does it cause changes in molecular conformation via profound coherent signaling/energy utilization changes that maximize quantum biological effects? In the rare cases of strict Bigu states, where the caloric input involves zero calorie intake, what is the source that is providing the energy necessary to fend off the effects of physical starvation and keep the body alive, as well as physically active? When one can tap into this amazing physiological potential the proper mental techniques, one can reduce their nutritional needs significantly and increase their longevity in the process; not to mention the significant savings in food as well as money spent on food over the long term.
An Hypothesis of how QI Gong captures and Transfers Life Sustaining Energy into the cells.
The obvious question behind any discussion of Bigu-type phenomena is what is providing the metabolic energy necessary for the body's cells to function during Bigu or similar practices? Cellular energy generation (ATP molecules) in our bodies is caused by the oxidation of fuel molecules as well as the transport of electrons that contain a high transfer potential which is carried along electron transport chains. This in turn causes electron capture and storage of this energy (ATP).
During Bigu or similar QI Gong practices what is supplying these higbh-energy electrons that are necessary for successful ATP production in the body's mitochondria?
It may just be that specific mental intention is activating alternate metabolic pathways that can capture the energy of these excited electrons. Hence, as one part of this electron chain shuts down, due to a reduced caloric intake, another part opens up.
Studies have already documented that mitochondria in animals undergoing caloric-restriction caused fewer ROS per unit electron flow to take place (Gredilla et al. 2001). This strongly suggests that an alternate metabolic pathway exists (under the right conditions) and that it may exist as part of a natural mechanism, that certain types of QI Gong meditation can enhance though intention. This may partly be caused via “entanglement bridges” which become strengthened by various QI Gong practices.
The aforementioned hypothesis is a key first step towards unlocking mechanisms behind the mind-body connection; from a quantum biological perspective at least. Today we have tools that can measure the effects of quantum biology (including epigenetics) it may possible to get clear answers on the effects that are taking place. Could it be that the metabolic changes (transcriptional) caused by practicing Yan Xin QI Gong (or similar Bigu-type mental visualization exercises) be causing the body to capture a specific type of energy that consists of endogenous photon emissions? Could this energy be feeding it into the body's novel electron transport pathways, thus allowing one to live on a limited caloric intake?
Photons in the Near Infrared spectrum have been observed to be readily absorbed by cellular chromophores, in specific parts of cells. This in turn increases ATP production in the cells (see Smith 2013, Karu 2008, Hamblin 2008). In short summary, endogenous and ambient sources of photon emissions generated during specific types of QI Gong practice may feed into such mechanism(s), creating an entrapment of “waste” energy that consists of a highly optimized electron transport chain; thus creating a clear and rapid generation of energy.
Concluding Summary
The potential applications of practicing Yan Xin / Bigu (and perhaps the Emerald Tablets exercises) extend beyond the short-term adjunctive cancer interventions (He and Chen 2002; He 2001; He and Zhong 2001) or extending lifespan. It may also unlock the answers to better diabetes management (Balaji 2012), as diabetes is one of most age related diseases. In turn these practices may reduce overall health costs that are associated with ROS-related conditions as well as nourish undernourished populations by supplementing their metabolic needs for short term emergency situations.
Further Reading
Jacobs TL, Epel ES, Lin J, Blackburn EH, Wolkowitz OM, Bridwell DA, Zanesco AP, Aichele SR, Sahdra BK, MacLean KA, King BG,Shaver PR, Rosenberg EL, Ferrer E, Wallace BA, Saron CD. (2011) Intensive meditation training, immune cell telomerase activity, and psychological mediators. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2011 Jun;36(5):664-81.
Jia L, Jia JD, Lu DY (1988). Effects of emitted qi on ultrastructural changes of the overstrained muscle of rabbits. The First World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong, Beijing China. P14.
Kim DH, Moon YS, Kim HS, Jung JS, Park HM, Suh HW, Kim YH, Song DK. (2005) Effect of Zen Meditation on serum nitric oxide activity and lipid peroxidation. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol. Biol Psychiatry. 2005 Feb;29(2):327-31.
Li CX, Liu ZY, Jin L, Zhou LY, Zhang K, Zhao TJ & Lu DY (1992). Preliminary exploration of the effect of external qi on the immune functional of mice with tumors. Chinese Journal of Somatic Science, 2(2): 67-71.
Li QZ, Li P, Garcia GE, Johnson RJ, Feng L. (2005) Genomic profiling of neutrophil transcripts in Asian Qigong practitioners: a pilot study in gene regulation by mind-body interaction. J Altern. Complement Med. 2005 Feb;11(1):29-39. Mahagita, C. (2010) Roles of meditation on alleviation of oxidative stress and improvement of antioxidant system. J Med Assoc Thai. 2010 Nov;93 Suppl 6.
Pitkanen Matti (2013 b) About Concrete Realization of Remote Metabolism. In Bio-Systems as Conscious Holograms.
Qu Su, Solveig Mjelstad Olafsrud, Leonardo A. Meza-Zepeda and Fahri Saatcioglu1 (2013) Rapid Gene Expression Changes in Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes upon Practice of a Comprehensive Yoga Program. PLoS One. 2013; 8(4): e61910. Published online 2013 April 17.
Rein G and McCraty R (1994) DNA as a detector of subtle energies. Proc. of the 4th annual conf. of the ISSSEEM, Boulder, CO.
Sharma H, Datta P, Singh A, Sen S, Bhardwaj NK, Kochupillai V, Singh N (2008) Gene expression profiling in practitioners of Sudarshan Kriya. J Psychosom Res. 2008 Feb;64(2).
Van Wijk EP, Lüdtke R, Van Wijk R. (2008) Differential effects of relaxation techniques on ultraweak photon emission. J Altern Complement Med. 2008 Apr;14(3):241-50. Van Wijk EP, Ackerman J, Van Wijk R. (2005).
Effect of meditation on ultraweak photon emission from hands and forehead. Research in Complementary Medicine, Vol. 12, No. 2, 2005.
Wijk, Eduard P A Van, Wijk, Roeland Van, Bajpai, Rajendra P (2008) Quantum squeezed state analysis of spontaneous ultra weak light photon emission of practitioners of meditation and control subjects. CSIR, May 2008.
Yan Xin, Alexis Traynor-Kaplan, Hongmei Li, Jun Wang, Hua Shen, Zhen-Qin Xia (2002 a) Studies on the Fundamental Theory of Bigu (Food Abstinence) - Preliminary Experimental Observations of Cellular Bigu. Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society, Vol. 22, No. 5, October 2002, 392-396.
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