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High Energy Cosmic Rays, Black Holes and Alternate Universes

Angkor Wat is an amazing structure built in the early 12th century in Cambodia and was dedicated to the hindu god Vishu. Vishu is a god that acts as protector / preserver.  It took more than five million tons of sandstone that was quarried in Cambodia to build Angkor Wat. The whole city used  far greater amounts of stone than all Egyptian pyramids combined, a feat only equal in scope to the Great Pyramid in Ancient Egypt. The design and layout of the city of Angkor Wat  mirrors that of the Draco constellation, which is in a region of the galaxy close to the big dipper.

The Draco Constellation Mythology
Draco is known as the "dragon" constellation. Its name is derived from the Latin term draconem, which stands for "huge serpent." This is because as earth rotates, Draco, which is in the northern sky, appears to snake its way through the northern sky. If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, Draco never sets below the western horizon.  Draco includes the constellations Ursa Major and Minor, Bootes, Lynx, among others. Gamma Draconis is the brightest star in the constellation Draco and is sometimes called the English Zenith Star as it lies close to the zenith point directly overhead in London. Ursa Major is also home to a black hole and Stephen Hawking has stated that black holes may lead to parallel universes.

Overlook Mountain and Draco
The structure called Overlook Mountain also has arrangements in the constellation Draco. Overlook Mountain has been used as a powerful source of inspiration for artists for many years. In the constellation Draco 6 of the 7 stars have planets in their systems and Eltanin is the brightest star.

The Tao and Draco
This region of the night sky has also spawned anti-aging / healing exercises. For example, this region of sky is home to the Big Dipper and the North star (Polaris). If you see the Big and Little Dippers in the night sky, you can find Draco as its tail is between the bowl of the Big Dipper and the star Polaris (the north star).

The Tao states the North star is a point of extreme 'Yang' and its energy is 'filtered' through the intermediary stars of the Big Dipper in the same way the deeper essence of one's Spirit is reached through balancing one’s Chakras. The visualization used for absorbing these sources of Heavenly Chi channel in their energy through the Crown point (Bai Hui) and upper centers of the body.  The power of these exercises is greatly enhanced when done outdoors meditation within view in the constellations just mentioned. Could this mean one of the main purposes Angkor Wat, was a type of center for healing and accelerated evolutionary growth? 

Further Reading
The Big Dipper: Origins & Function in Taoism, 9 Steps of Yu


Remote Viewing and Cosmic Rays

A study found that Heart rate variation decreasse during the declining phase of strong cosmic ray events.  These include Forbush decreases.  Heart rate increases during the ascending phase.
Cosmic ray variations of solar origin in relation to humanphysiological state during the December 2006 solar extreme events. M. Papailiou et al.

The EZ3DBIZ.COM remote viewing project has always had good results when cosmic rays were higher (view analysis).. Higher solar activity involving sunspots or solar flares creates a protective shield for earth against incoming cosmic rays. Therefore less cosmic rays are a time there are less traffic accidents because reaction time is enhanced due to higher solar activity (ie: the nervous system is sharper, / more active and alert).  Hence reaction time is closely linked to intuition. This is because studies have found that a person's nervous system reacts to an emotional event a few seconds before being shown an emotional picture.  If one were to review the data of traffic accident studies, the data would most likely show faster reaction times (less traffic accidents) when cosmic rays are lower. The following image is courtesy of the study Traffic accident in India in relation with solar and geomagnetic activity parameters and cosmic ray intensity (1989 to 2010) P. L. Verma. As the image clearly shows, there is an increase in traffic deaths when cosmic rays increase.  Because there are also increased deaths when there are less sunspots (solar coronal index) it also means that less solar activity reduces the body's reaction / anticipatory reaction 



Cosmic Rays as a Source of Healing / Rejuvenation?

For years when I have practiced the Emerald Tablets exercise I would always get the best results during Spring in the morning and Fall in the late afternoon and especially so when cosmic rays have been rising for the last few days.  During these times (in my location in Hawaii), the star Arcturus is setting with the sun in the west during  Fall (November) and during Spring Arcturus sets around  6:45 a.m. in the morning.  These positions correspond with the Tao Heaven Treasures and the environment of Earth as well as the ICHING.

Heaven Energy of the Sun and Moon. Martin Eisen, Ph.D.

Eight Trigrams I Ching (Book of Changes) Eight Gates to the Greater World

varcturus cosmic rays

The region of sky near the big dipper is mostly made up of superclusters of galaxies.  The constellation Virgo, happens to be one of the regions of sky with a large number of concentrated galaxies.  It is commonly called the Virgo Supercluster.

It just so happens that just underneath the handle of the big dipper come the most poweful ultra-high energy particles, which bombard earth.
A hotspot for powerful cosmic rays, most energetic particles in the universe

Did you know - Low energy cosmic rays come from our sun.  However just six percent of our sky is responsible for the most number of cosmic rays that are made up of high energy and bombard our earth.  These cosmic rays originate from the big dipper.
Where do cosmic rays come from? The answer could be in the Big Dipper.

If one were to find out where the largest concentration of cosmic rays come from in the southern hemisphere, it would be from the black hole of Centaurus A.
High energy radiation from Centaurus A

If we look at the Seasonal PSI Chart, shown below,

increase psychic power

we see that the star Arcturus is directly overhead Hawaii on May 4th of each year. This is a time where PSI / Psychic awareness peaks.  On the west coast of the United States in Washington D.C., the star Arcturus is also direclty overhead (zenith) around the same date (May 4th). Hence, could the star Arcturus be one of the contributing factors responsible for enhanced PSI / Psychic awareness?

In astrology, the intuitive constellation is Pisces.  If we look at the time of year the sun is in Pisces, we get the season of Spring, (February 19th to March 20st in the northern hemisphere) which happens to be the month psychic / precognition abilities peak according to our Seasonal PSI Chart, If we look at what months Spring occurs in the southern hemisphere we see it occurs from September to November.  In the zodiac, the sun is in Virgo from August 23rd to  September 22nd.  And as we showed earlier,the constellation Virgo, happens to be the region of sky located where a large number of high energy cosmic rays flow from.
Hence, the reason early astrology stated Pisces emits energies that enhance intuition was be aide early astrologers based their observations from the northern hemisphere.

If you live in the southern hemisphere the visible region of sky with the most number of high energy cosmic rays comes from the constellation Centaurus A due to its large black hole. The constellation Libra lies right next to the Virgo constellation.


 The only region of sky visible in both northern and southern hemispheres that emits cosmic rays of medium intensity is Cygnus, which is visible on the low horizon in the southern hemisphere in winter and all year in the sky in the nothern hemisphere.


The longevity / health exercises that utilize the big dipper / Virgo constellation region of sky shown earlier are a region of the sky that contain super high cosmic rays. This could be the reason why people born during October live on average longer lives compared to people born during other times of the year (Lifespan depends on month of birth.Gabriele Doblhammer and James W. Vaupel 2001). September is only 4 weeks before October.  September also happens to be the month that the Sun is in Virgo (zodiac horoscope). Hence a type of high energy cosmic ray may accompany strong / above average solar activity. Kind of like fusion takes off once it reaches a critcal mass of energy. 
The high energy cosmic rays emitted during October each year are affeting the genetic structure of those born during that month giving them longer than average lifespans. 

High energy cosmic rays are enhancing the accuracy of remote viewing sessions. This is because the region of high energy cosmic rays is directly overhead at midnight during spring every year. Spring is the time of year accuracy of remote viewing is most accurate in the northern hemisphere. The region of sky that emits high energy cosmic rays lies in the region of sky that stretches from the Virgo constellation to the big dipper with the star Arcturus lying approximately in the center of this region. Also our summary of remote viewing sessions from the past 2 years shows that our remote viewing sessions always increased when there was a growing trend / increase of cosmic rays.

The Draco region of sky also happens to be the region of sky where there is an excess of energetic photons as well as an above average amount of dark matter.  Right next to Draco, lies the Ursa Major / Minor constellation, where there exists an above average number of cosmic rays. Results of a study confirm dark matter makes up an unseen, parallel Universe. I show in my book Improve your Remote Viewing Accuracy Techniques using Quantum Microtubules, that the time of 13:30LST is also the time of day cosmic rays peak. 13:30LST as many of you know is the time of day precognition peaks having a positive effect on remote viewing.

Further Reading
Multiverse: have astronomers found evidence of parallel universes

Hubble snaps dark matter warping spacetime 

Hence there are alternate universes where a slightly different version of oneself exists. In one universe you are a king, and in another universe you are poor and destitute. Could it be that the dark matter energy in the constellation Draco is affecting earth in some way, perhaps when there are more cosmic rays?   Perhaps some people are able to tap into this  source of energy and use it for all sorts of things? For example, Burt Goldman, founder of Quantum Jumping has stated that he uses a technique to tap into an alternate version of himself in order to accelerate his creative abilities.  It is amazing that this guy has taken up art, painting, learned to play the piano and much more all at over the age of 80, just from "quantum jumping". 

Cosmic Rays as a Source of Information
For years I had always wondered where the information received during Associative Remote Viewing Sessions came from. Emotions are not bound by space nor time, which is what allows past traumatic emotional experiences to be healed. It may be that the energy for healing takes place through willpower and determination coupled with focus and concentration. This is because the GIRONA exercise uses a layout of stones in the shape of the Ursa Major constellation. The GIRONA exercise is a type of emotional healing exercise for increasing one’s wealth. Also from having practiced the Emerald Tablets Exercise for the last 10 years, I have always found that the revitalization energy received from practicing the exercise peaks when cosmic rays are increasing.

"There were strong positive correlations between cosmic rays and HRV variables, suggesting a beneficial response to increases in cosmic rays. Other studies have also suggested beneficial effects, at least in healthy populations"

HeartMath Institute

"The ANS response to increases in cosmic rays was immediate and continued throughout the forty-hour analysis window. It is clear from Fig. 3 that the largest ANS relationships were to cosmic rays, which supports the perspective of Stoupel, that cosmic rays are emerging as a principal factor of the environmental forces that affect human physiology". This study also found that when geomagnetic activity was low and there were more cosmic rays it resulted in an increased risk of cardiac deaths and strokes.
Long-Term Study of Heart Rate Variability Responses to Changes in the Solar and Geomagnetic Environment

As solar activity increases, there are less cosmic rays, due to increased solar radiation. This  is a time geomagnetic storms are more common. Geomagnetic storms are associated with increased depression & mental disturbances.

The Cosmic-Ray Shadow of the Moon
It is also interesting to note, Associative Remote Viewing Sessions peak during first quarter and full moons.  Cosmic rays are affected by the moon. During a full moon, earth is between the sun and moon, with the moon behind the earth. Hence, during a full moon, a type of lens effect may occur, that focuses the dark matter energy in the Draco Constellation. This energy may affect emotion and well-being.  Hence unhealthy emotions associated with past trauma may be more vulnerable to being triggered more often when there are less cosmic rays as one has less emotional 'reserves' during these times.


It is one's purpose in life to grow & evolve.  High energy cosmic rays may play a large role in this. Regions in the universe that have large regions of dark matter may be acting as two way receiver of information streaming from an alternate universe(s), with the moon acting as a type of lens. Hence solar systems in our universe that are aligned with these regions experience faster rates of growth and evolution compared to solar systems which are not aligned with these high energy cosmic rays.  This would also mean if one is searching for life in our universe, one should look for star systems / constellations that are aligned with regions of dark matter and follow this line of sight to galaxies that contain planets. 

Quantum Jumping
If the founder of Quantum Jumping can use a simple technique to tap into an alterative version of himself to develop extraordinarily creative abilities, than information received during Associative Remote Viewing Sessions must be coming from an alternate universe.  It may also be coming from an alternate version of one's self in a time-line that is shifted slightly out of phase of our time.  This would mean there are alternate universes where time is shifted slightly ahead of us.  Perhaps a few days or years ahead of our current universe. 

Information received from Associative Remote Viewing Sessions may be coming from an alternate universe or version of oneself that connects with the future of oneself while performing associative remote viewing.  Cosmic rays may be acting as the information conduit which is decoded by the mind during an ARV session. It is interesting to note that it takes focus, skill and concentration to change one's life, to create a positive outcome.  Whether it be quantum jumping or remote viewing the future position of the stock market.  It is this focus and concentration that cuts through the interference and background noise that is naturally taking place.  As stated at the very beginning of this article, Angkor Wat is dedicated to the Hindu god Vishu. Vishu is a god that acts as protector / preserver and in mythology Draco is related to a serpent protector. This sounds a lot like a deity of protection from interference from forces that would distract or inhibit one's ability to remote view or tap into their psychic gifts and talents.

Inter-dimensional Self-Sabotage
If indeed information is travelling between parallel universes, it would also make sense that emotions may also be doing the same.  Sure you can't feel the emotion from another person at a long range, but the body reacts to emotions from yourself from the future (Electrodermal Presentiments of Future Emotions). Some people report that various aspects of their lives are filled with "self-sabotage" or events and circumstances beyond their control that sabotage their future plans and ambitions.  Could this type of 'inter-dimensional interference' be related to a lack of high speed cosmic rays?  Perhaps each one of us has an emotional vessel of some sort which absorbs and holds these cosmic rays as a reserve, much like a capacitor. When cosmic rays are less the reserves in the vessel are used to reduce interference.  We shall define acts of self-sabotage, hindrances or other forms of problems that stop one from achieving their goals as Inter-dimensional Interference from here on.

It is interesting to note that most geomagnetic storms occur when there is an increase in sunspots or solar flares.  During this increase, our sun is emitting above average radiation which acts as a giant shield, protecting earth from incoming cosmic rays.  It is a fact that mental disorders and negative emotional disturbances are more common during geomagnetic storms.  Hence, some people's "reserves" may be depleted more sooner than others, creating inter-dimensional interference causing negative emotional imbalances to arise in some people. In the case of a person who has experienced past trauma, the interference may manifest as problems in relationships. Perhaps this is where the term psychic vampirism came from.  Perhaps human emotions and sexual energy are enhanced or amplified by cosmic rays or the lack thereof.

When a person has experienced trauma, it affects and stays stuck within their spirit. In in order to heal trauma, spirit must be accessed or spirit will continue on re-living past trauma.

The Moon as an Emotional Trigger
Our best ARV sessions would always take place during a full moon or first quarter moon, both times the moon's light was increasing.  It is a known fact that a full moon can arouse people’s emotions. Because information received during ARV sessions is much more accurate during full moons when solar activity is quiet, the information received is the result of more cosmic rays coming from the high energy cosmic rays which originate in the constellation Draco. Also it is interesting to note that during a lunar eclipse there are more cosmic rays. Other proof may be that when there are more cosmic rays there are more clouds which results in more rain. It is a fact that one of the most powerful influences of human emotion and personality is the weather. Once again, we see cosmic rays playing a part in human behavior. 

Further Reading
The seasonal incidence of mania and its relationship to climatic variables.

Relative humidity and manic admissions in the London area.

So more cosmic rays act as a protector of the mind, helping one focus and concentrate to bring out the best in each one of us.

Effects of Inter-dimensional Interference
Inter-dimensional Interference can result in highly charged agitating energy producing a prodromal sense that “something bad is about to happen”. When one's reserves are depleted, they become vulnerable to Inter-dimensional Interference.  Hence one may exhibit negative emotions caused by unhealed emotional wounds or physical weakness, especially if a person's energy field has cracks from unresolved traumas. If indeed alien abduction (not military abduction) is a true and unpleasant facet of life, perhaps some alien forces from another dimension / universe are attracted to traumatic / emotional energy.  Perhaps they have an invisible antenna connected that reaches through a black hole and feeds off of human emotion!! Just a thought!!! It would make a great science fiction story!!!!

It was after all Gurdjieff who stated we are "food for the moon".

Emotional Triggering and Maintaining Reserves
When one gets in touch with their own true Spirit, the will find that spirit will reveal the original causes and conditions of their trauma. This is why the power of prayer works so well because it allows one to get in touch with spirit. When one reacts to an emotional event, it becomes “fuel” that powers interference.  Reacting to specific events that trigger an emotional response are the result of unhealed and “trapped” traumas from previous emotional wounds that have long formed unconscious self-repeating patterns. Triggers vary from person to person, and are deemed “sensitive issues”.  Even a small event or memory can cause a person to unleash an exaggerated reaction to an event, which would not cause such triggering in another person who has previously healed their emotional wounds. Examples of triggering include: anger, jealousy, rage, blame, victim mindset, fear, etc.

People who don't heal old emotional traumas or refuse to do so twist reality into one of false perception of others, including the world around them.  This occurs at a subconscious level because their avoidance and defense of their feelings is so great, they end up twisting reality into a new perception. This in turn causes sabotage to occur when they seek wholeness.  They subconsciously end up becoming expert manipulators. It is not uncommon to find these individuals in bad relationships or attracting narcissistic love partners. If one wants to avoid hurting others due to being sensitive to an emotional trigger, one must learn how to tend to one's own emotional needs, or have the courage to perform serious healing work.

Emotional triggers cause one to blame others for their shortcomings and faults, believing that they are never wrong. When one believes this strongly enough (self-righteousness, judgment or blaming), it opens the doorway for Inter-dimensional Interference. The good news is when Inter-dimensional Interference occurs, it is proof that it is occurring for a reason and that it can be healed. Inter-dimensional interference can take on a collective effect (a family or community system). It may even be something linked to a group you may be part of just like there are ET’s, human spirits, animal spirits, extra-dimensional beings, etc.

Hence Inter-dimensional interference moves through a group or collective acting as a virus. Hence, when one person in the group is 'triggered' (acting as a carrier, or “host”) interference manifests. Like Octopus Head clusters feeding on thousands of people. Inter-dimensional Interference may also occur from a past personal relationship where the “effects” linger long after the relationship has ended.  This may be due to past emotional upsets that may have occurred. This may be caused due to one partner having hidden traumas from childhood. Could it be that the powerful emotional energy generated by relationships interacts with Inter-dimensional Energies? Hence the more emotional the experience, the greater the effects from the triggering.

The stronger the past trauma, the more likely these traumatic emotions have become 'layered'.  Hence repressed emotions hide in numerous dimensions and layers.  The only way to be free of them is to have the intention, courage, will, focus, determination and dedication to clear oneself on these levels and dimensions (eg. timelines, other lifetimes, and the clearing out ancestral causes as well). Inter-dimensional interference can also occur after one makes a commitment to another, hence becoming part of their inter-dimensional energy experiences. This can interfere with a person if they have already healed their healed past traumas. Hence, one must be very mindful and watchful with who they connect with while developing one's spiritual and energetic immune systems. It may be a lonely path for some,  especially if one is linked into multiple groups, however the more one educates oneself, the more one has more freedom and connection to one's spirit.

Generating Courage to Take Personal Responsibility
Releasing emotions associated with past traumatic experiences are important.  The key healing takes place when one genuinely experiences the trauma that is causing the interference, feeling the emotions fully in the present moment while at the same time therapeutic releasing them. This is done in modalities such as: The Emotional Freedom Technique, hypnotic regression, EMDR, Rapid Release Trauma therapy, trauma resolution, Inner Child work, and good old fashioned grieving. The new Quantum healing methods which include Holograhpic Kinetics may also be useful for releasing trapped traumas that lead to self-sabotage.

Could this mean then that a lack of high energy cosmic rays reduce one's ability to avoid triggers, causing the trauma to hide in various areas? If one has gone through trauma healing therapy and still finds they are sensitive to “triggering” then the person has not done enough healing and recovery. No type of therapy completely heals all trauma, there is always some residue left behind, so awareness to future triggering is key. A good foundational place to start one's healing process is by exercising compassionate communication skills and inner reflective empathy. 

One of the core steps to healing is learning to take responsibility for communicating with one another in a mature manner.  Hence, your reactions to other's “perceived faults” can't end up as weapons that destroy relationships. The second core step is awareness.  When one becomes more aware of what they are feeling inside, they become fully aware of what their personal triggers are.  This leads one to feeling "protected".

Blind Spots
Blind spots are the result of unconscious behaviors caused by our upbringing, personal beliefs culture and unhealed emotional wounding.  Embarking on the healing path by oneself can be beneficial, however it is not recommended long-term, as history has shown that therapy groups achieve more profound healing that is more permanent. If one has limiting beliefs such as “I am right” it creates severe blind spots which cause interference over the long term. This is due to one's perceptions having been altered due to unhealed previous trauma.

Staying Grounded
At times, professional therapists can be at risk due to their interactions with people who are being healed of trauma. Such professionals include therapists, teachers, light workers, healers, etc.  For these groups a buddy, check and balance system is helpful so they can become aware of their own blind spots and vice versa. This also helps so that their self-righteous, know-it-all superiority programs don’t get the best of them (ego).

Healing Tools for Inter-dimensional Self-Sabotage
Exercises such as vippassana meditation, shamatha help one become more sensitive and aware to one's energy body which is where Inter-dimensional self-sabotage can take place. Intention to heal and be clear using exercises such as Tai Chi, Chi Gong and Yoga are also good. Holographic Kinetics is based on Aboriginal Dreamtime Healing and the Laws of Lore. It utilizes spiritual metaphysical and universal laws which can be very helpful when one want's to understand inter dimensional interference. It can help explain more clearly the casualty of why things are happening and how it interacts with one's belief systems.

Protection and Future Growth
The key to avoiding giving in to triggering is to become lucid in one's awareness which allows one to know that at any given moment something may happen to trigger an old emotional wounds. This could come from a close friend, person or family member you work with.  Hence at the first sign of triggering, in order to avoid future self-sabotage is to avoid overreacting, passing judgment, blaming or lashing out.  By allowing the situation to de-fuse itself you end up growing and learning from the "lesson". Learning to communicate compassionately and being in touch with Spirit and heart also help. Incorporating healing, clearing and healthy maintenance one's body can help one connect with spirit. Hence a strong shield against 'interference' is formed.

In the majority of situations that cause triggering, it will always pass.  During these 'dark cloud' times, it’s best to lay low until the “dark cloud passes”. Take a time out.  It can be very healing to quarantine oneself until one discovers the causes of inter-dimensional self-sabotage and interference.  This in turn strengthens one's energy body and spiritual immune system. This is why people feel so refreshed and healed after attending a meditation retreat. Hence they have just become more aware of what their energies are, which has increased their awareness. Know thyself is the path to self-love. If one happens to live with one or more people for extended periods of time, it can sometimes happen that one may mistake their own emotions and energy as their own.  All the more reason to take a time-out when necessary. Excessive isolation if used excessively for psychological defense purposes can cause one to lose their interpersonal and social connection skills. Being around others helps one to connect deeply to their heart which in turn allows for a deeper connection with others and in turn our own self.

One method for enhancing a deeper connection with others is by practicing empathy while engaged in a safe reflective partnership with another person(s) who is able to relate to you by heart centered communication and empathy. When one gives and does not receive back in a mutual manner in a relationship or even friendship (or vice versa) it is a clear sign one needs to learn to express reflective empathy for others. The best relationships are mutual, where all parties are honest and play by the rules of engagement with empathetic awareness and compassion. If this is not present, it is not a true and lasting relationship.  Hence one may be a parent for someone or taking the role of a child in a relationship.

Seeking a way out.  Additions.
Addictions and past severe emotional trauma usually go together. Traumas remain locked in the body and emotions remain stuck in time / place. While it is locked in, trauma can become source of hidden anxiety, inter dimensional interference or psychological defense. Over time it may cause stress related health issues. An addition merly acts as a mechanism to self-medicate in order to help numb the painful emotions that are associated with past emotional trauma. In turn, this creates a false persona (an artificial defense if you will) that stops one from authentically experiencing their true feelings, while in a numbed out, defense mode. Repressing one's authentic self not only hurt oneself, but hurts others due to the neglect of the value of their presence in their life. Because additions numb and avoid true feelings one ends up rejecting others when they are really in need. Hence one may not even know they have hurt someone.  This cycle is common in families of substance abusers, alcoholics and workaholics.

Re-Experiences of Past Trauma
One may come across someone who states that they have done all their healing work however is still an addict, it is most likely they have not gone deep enough to reach the hidden “issues” that are caused by self-numbing from addictive behavior. In order to go deep into trauma and really clear it out, one must stop the addictions as addictions in and of themselves are obstacles to true and lasting healing. If a person has been an addict for years and is not willing to stop (or cannot on their own) true healing is not possible due to the numbing. The person ends up not being able to access deep feelings and insights that allow one to be self-sabotage free.

Hence in many cases therapy with an active addict that does not want to heal emotional wounds is usually a waste of time. This is common in alcoholics and substance abusers who keep these aspects of their lives hidden. They may see heavy drinking as acceptable and over time end up failing to realize that daily drinking has become an addiction, depending on how often they drink and why.

True Healing
Real healing comes from mutual corporation on a collective level. This occurs from having a compassionate presence and allowing space for one another. One truly feels at home when they have the love and safety of compassionate reflective presence in their lives. Safety is first, then compassion and the openness of sharing in a therapeutic manner. This also includes support and constructive criticism. It is this module that causes the healing to occur, hence exaggerated triggering (inter-dimensional interferences) ends up losing its power over time.  Hence one no longer has to play the role of victim. It is normal for therapists and healers to develop blind spots from working with others. If a healer refuses to share with other professionals in their field as a check and balance these blind spots cause limitations.  Thus one who works with numerous clients must network with other professionals and get their opinion as a check and balance system in order to keep their skills up to date.

Each one of us is on a journey to complete wholeness.  The journey is made much easier when one is calm in moments of uncertainty and increase their resiliency to stress situations that may cause triggering. One can never know it all, there are still things we do not and may never fully understand in our current human state of affairs.  However by having loving kindness, holding compassionate space and communication for others, we end up experiencing a way of being that is stronger in the face of unexpected adversity.  Love is the ultimate power to overcoming and moving forward.

Learning to Grieve
Part of the journey of healing involves grieving. Grief is a natural and healthy process that leads to greater compassion for oneself and others. It allows a space to be created for joy and love to live in one's heart. It connects one with their core spirit.  When the wounds have finally been healed, acceptance arises along with greater compassion, joy, and humility. Grief is a layered emotional experience consisting of many stages. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross has managed to simplify them into 5 main stages. One may not experience each stage in consecutive order, but may move in two or more phases at the same time. Or one switch back and forth from one stage to the other until finally resolution and acceptance takes place. Some may find themselves stuck in grief or experience “complicated grief” when combined with PTSD. Some try to avoid grief or confuse it with depression and take anti-depressants when all that is needed is bereavement therapy. If one finds themselves experiencing unhappiness and constant setbacks in life than grieving work has not been done.  It may be from your own childhood, the loss of a loved one, or illusions of love.

The Foundations of Healing
Advanced healing modalities such as Holographic Kinetics or even Dr. Corrado Malangas Liberation techniques work best if one has already engaged in foundational counseling therapies. This is because the person is open for change and experiences a deeper internal connection to their heart/spirit. The most effective healing takes place when the heart-spirit connection has occurred. This type of spiritual connection is only possible when psychological defenses (ego) have been set aside long enough for the real healing to be done. This means one has dedicated themselves to set aside their unhealed wounds, “false beliefs”, ego defenses and has done genuine grieving work, which allows the quantum healing methods to “stick”.  If this is not done properly, a return to inter dimensional interference takes place. Why does this happen? Foundational healing leads to recovery which than allows one to understand the true laws of why and how inter-dimensional self-sabotage occurs. If one continues to hold onto an addiction then one is vulnerable to further inter-dimensional interference.

Standing Your Ground
Some people have a tendency to run from their issues and may blame others in the process. Others take too much responsibility and end up doing too much for others. The key is humbleness and to learn to relax into your spirit. Surrender to being right in order to allow the truth to emerge so positive change can take place. Defenses are not only about “ego” or “being right” but are memories of our own repressed traumatic experience, a subconscious avoidance of emotional pain and un-grieved losses. We may need to be gently nudged by someone compassionate in order to let us know we are not willing to see or change by ourselves. If one has a friend, therapist or counselor to practice Inner Empathy and Compassionate Communication, the door swings wide open for positive change, wholeness and integration. Having an awareness of wounds our vulnerabilities and blind spots reduces one becoming susceptible to triggering. It leads to personal responsibility.

Playing the role of Victim
Every one of us knows someone who 'plays the role' of victim.  If one has to constantly remind such a person who leads a life of addiction, compulsive behaviors, being irresponsible to commitments, defenses, excessive drama, etc., then one runs the risk of taking too much responsibility for that person and risks becoming a victim themselves, which is why it is key to set clear boundaries, especially if one is a therapist working with such a person(s). How we communicate this to such person(s) is important. If one  does this in a shaming, blaming or critical way, the person most likely will not be able to respond positively or may act defensive and end up avoiding you. When done in a compassionate way, up to three separate times, you have done your part and the rest is up to the person(s) to take responsibility for their lives. If you find you cannot tolerate how such person(s) behave in your presence, causing you excessive emotional pain, you must be the one who takes responsibility, including setting clear and appropriate boundaries to safeguard your spiritual immune system and avoid the risk of inter-dimensional interference.   Time is the ultimate healer.  The more trauma, the more time it may take to heal a particular situation such as a bad marriage or family issue. It takes careful planning doing your part as best as you can over time. As time moves on it can help to have some kind of counseling support.  If you decide to rely on a close friend(s) for support, be sure to return the favor allowing yourself to remain available for the same kind of support back at some later point in time. Avoid the emotional vampire mentality!!!!

If patterns continue while you have set your “boundaries” then question whether the issue is really what you really think it is. It just may end up being a simple case of misunderstanding.  Consult a professional who will act as a neutral observer and that you feel safe enough for you to receive their observations. Trying to hide or show your "good side” will eventually lead to you being "found out".

Some may complain they cannot afford “therapy”.  However this excuse is a defense that keeps them from dealing with the real issues that need clearing out in their lives. All it takes is the willingness to want to heal, asking your higher Spirit/Source of wisdom for healing to take place.  This than leads to things opening up for you in a way where opportunities for healing take place. One has to be willing to let go of ego, excuses, false beliefs and addictions etc. and at the same time have faith they CAN do this. The only one who can start the ball rolling in any situation is you, especially when it comes to making a long term commitment to healing and the journey of personal growth. No one can or will do the hard work for you. People can act as guides along the way, ultimately the final choice is up to you to want to heal and make lasting changes for the better. You have to WANT to do it. The good news is, once one learns to connect with Spirit one's intentions become clear and healing takes place on many levels in a very short period of time, shorter than you ever believed was possible.
