The EZ3DBIZ.com Solar Health Weekly Newsletter is now available.
This site combines raw food nutrition with the Science of Chronobiology. If you want maximum health, well being and want to retard the aging process, and you want to do it organically, rather than become a machine, you have to eat right, and know the conditions that create aging, which my research is showing is a combination of foods rich in enzymes, and using the mind to stay healthy via Chronobiology. This is known as the science of Chrio-Nutrition , which is a combination of Chronobiology and Nutrition.
Any Health professional will tell you there is no "one-size fits all" magic pill that heals every one of every disease. However, we can change the way we think and the food we eat as lack of proper nutrition and a continuous negative attitude towards life have been proven to cause illness. There is now confirmed scientific evidence that Lunar, Solar and Earth Geomagnetic Energies affect Human health. So by being aware of these conditions and eating and having the right state of mind, we are as close to a one-size fits all universal healing pill that I think we will ever get.
During World War I, . L. Tchijevsky, a Russian professor of Astronomy and Biological Physics who continued his studies at the war front, noticed that particularly severe battles regularly followed each solar flare during the sunspot peak period of 1916-17. Tchijevsky found that fully 80% of the most significant events occurred during the 5 years of maximum sunspot activity. You can read part of Tchijevsky's Work titled "How the Solar Cycles Modulate History" at this link. Backup Link. Tchijevsky divided the eleven year sunspot cycle into four periods:
Period 1 : - (approximately 3 years, minimum sunspot activity). Peace, lack of unity among the masses, election of conservatives, autocratic, minority rule.
Period 2:- (approx. 2 years, increasing sunspot activity). Increasing mass excitability, new leaders rise, new ideas and challenges to the elite. This is the season we are in now as of 2012. As you can see at the
bottom of this page that the sunspot activity is increasing and has not yet reached its peak.
Period 3 - (Approximately 3 years, maximum sunspot activity). Maximum excitability, election of liberals or radicals, mass demonstrations, riots, revolutions, wars and resolution of most pressing demands. This is the current period we are in as of 2012.
Period 4 - (Approximately 3 years, decreasing sunspot activity). Decrease in excitability, masses become apathetic, seek peace. This cycle is due to arrive between early 2014 and 2017.
Reference Wikipedia
The EZ3DBIZ.com "minature" cycles that occur within the 11 year Tchijevsky event cycle can be broken down into 4 conditions, known as the "condition colors". A condition blue begins the cycle, building up energy, followed by a condition red, which is a peak of the energy, which is than followed by a condition yellow, which is a period where this energy manifests itself, it is than followed by a condition orange, a "wanning" of the energy and finally ending at a condition green, which is a period of peace and harmony.
Using Professor L. Tchijevsky's cycles from above, we get the following results (TO VIEW AN IN-DEPTH RESEARCH ARTICLE, CLICK ON THE LINK): Period 1 is condition red, period 2 is a condition blue, period 3 is condition orange, period 4 is condition green. For illness or pandemic outbreaks, the period shifting from period 3 to period 4 is the most dangerous, as this is when the solar activity suddently "drops" causing a "shock". Read More...........
Professional Organizations and Additional Resources:
The American Association for Medical Chronobiology and Chronotherapeutics (AAMCC) - Go to Website
Chronobiology and The Significance of Time in Chinese Medicine - Go to Website
Perspectives of Human Development: Time, Space, and Chrononutrition (nutrition and solar influences) - Go to Website
University of California San Diego: Center for Chronobiology. - Go to Website
Dr. Franz Halberg of The University of Minnesota has spent 50 years studying Chronobiology. - Go to Website
Jean-Jacques d'Ortous de Mairan. One of the early pioneers of Chronobiology. - Go to Website
Now Available a Special Herbal Formulation proven to Boost Superoxide Dismutase Levels. One of the most powerful anti-aging methods available today. 
New method detects emerging sunspots deep inside the sun, provides warning of dangerous solar flares, say Stanford researchers
A welcome Message from The Director of The Institute for Solar Studies on Human Behavior and Health. Included is the model describing how illness and disease are responsible for some solar flares and how another stage of the sun is used to heal these diseases.
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