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A Secret Way to get around the mandatory https policy of Google




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For those of you recently impacted by E-bay's policy that all auction listings that use .html code must come from a server that is https secure, which was put into mandatory effect around late 2018 must have found it frustrating. I know that I did.



Google confirmed the date of “early July 2018” as the start date. The new "mandatory" https protocol was thought up by Google last year.  The fact is there will never be 100% onilne security.  Also it is easy to sell based on fear, especially when it comes to computers and technology, an easy sell for any company. 



To put it simply this is just another way for security companies to make more money. This is due to two facts.



1- It costs the average webmaster a minimum of $40 or more a year, plus downtime on the website to convert their hosting serer and scripts into https mode.



2 - https is not mandatory (as of yet) if you do not perform financial transactions on your website.



In another unfair move, people who don't ahere to https will be ranked lower on Google's search engine.



Think about this for a minute. If your website provides only information and or images and no financial transactions, e-bay still requires that your images come from a https server and if your website serves information only, like mine does viewers are shown a non-secure text in the upper left hand side of their browser.



Now that does not make for a comfortable reading experience at any cost. In other words it literally forces the independent webmaster to fork out $40 + a year to pay for "secure" hosting.



As far as online security transactions, bitcoin appears to be far more safer than does a standard credit card, due to its blockchain technology. As a matter of fact the theft of online credit cards is far more easier and common, as shown in this article,compared to bitcoin, as shown in this article. And most of all, people who use bitcoin ARE NOT CHARGED CREDIT CARD FEES.






Simply put, if Google really cared about online security, they would partner with Bitcoin to make their blockchain technology even more secure.



The Secret to Getting Around https



Because I refuse to waste money on a worthless idea conjured up by a greedy corporate entity, I decided to find a loophole.



The Obsession with the Web Browser. Could this be the end of YouTube?

Some people may wonder why Google is so obsessed with the common Internet browser. To put the answer simply, it is because image and video services in the future will not require a server to deliver the pictures or video to your computer screen. Instead they will be contained in your web browser, with the images and video being completely in .html code. Hence, he who dominates the web browser market has a significant advantage over the competition. This means in the future, Google could potentially charge for viewing videos or content in your web browser.



Enter .html images.



Proof of this is in the emerging technology of being able to create an online photo using only .html code. An example exists on my image to .html demonstration page which can be found at the link below:



The sole reason youtube was bought from a couple of kids years ago was because these kids found a way to reduce / compress the size of large videos, which used to use up huge amounts of bandwidth. It is only a matter of time before videos made entirely with .html code become a reality. This means the end of needing to upload your video to YouTube. Instead you can just use an online conversion program to insert your video with your other .html code and add it to your weboage. This is why you see google obsessed with the humble web browser because technology will soon make your tube obsolete.



Don't rely entirely on Google. Artists on Youtube have already learned this the hardway when their monetization was reduced / eliminated just last year, putting some artists out of work. There are numerous other web browsers on the market and just because Google is the dominant player for now, that may change in the future.  Hence, this is why a free market system works in the United States as no one company can have complete domination over an entire field. 



In closing, if Google had any foresight they would know that the emerging popularity of bitcoin is the future of secure online transactions. To date they have refused to partner with Bitcoin and the technology. Instead, they forged ahead without any consideration as to the expense and impact their https policy has on those who publish information or post images to other channels such as ebay. 


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