The Brightest Stars Enhance Intuition
Please credit discoveries in this article to Scott Rauvers founder of the Solar Institute at
View the old Original Seasonal LST Calendar
View the 4 volume series of remote viewing books
After writing the 4 volume remote viewing series of books, I have discovered the LST seasonal precognition chart (pictured below) extremely useful for enhancing the accuracy of my remote viewing projects. The below chart is from APPARENT ASSOCIATION BETWEEN EFFECT SIZE IN FREE RESPONSE ANOMALOUS COGNITION EXPERIMENTS AND LOCAL SIDEREAL TIME by S. James P. Spottiswoode of Palo Alto California. The chart is a summary of studies summarizing remote viewing accuracy. The greatest accuracy was up to 400% (13:30LST), which is the time that the Milky Way is rising in the east on our horizon which happens once every 24 hours.
In the document titled: THE PLEIADIAN MISSION A Time of Awareness by Randolph Winters he states that Most of the population of Earth came from the constellation Lyra, while others have come from the Vega section of the sky. The star Deneb, which is close to 13:30LST happens to be in the Lyra Constellation.
The Overnight Miracle Healing of Emma Mc Kinley occured at 1 a.m. on December 25th 2011 in Rochester Minnesota U.S.A. The LST time during this time was 7:00LST, which is the time the stars Spica in the Virgo Constellation and Regulus in the Leo Constellation are rising in the east.
The 4 Royal Persian Stars
The 4 Royal Persian Stars are the brightest stars in their constellations and among the 25–brightest stars in the night sky. The stars are -
Aldebaran (Taurus Constellation)
Regulus (Leo Constellation)
Antares / Deneb (Sagittarius / Galactic Center / Milky Way)
Fomalhaut (Aquarius Constellation)
What do all these have in common?
They are times peak precognition takes place, or when that particular star / constellation is rising in the east.
Physical Rejuvenation?
I also find it extremely interesting that an ancient Taoist Rejuvenation exercise called the Daoji Tuna Jing Spring Rejuvenation Exercise, which I cover in detail in my book Reverse Aging Naturally. Alchemy and Ayurveda Longevity Anti-aging Secrets, is said to take place during midnight each Spring. In most regions in the Northern Hemisphere, midnight in Spring is 13:30LST, the most powerful time precognition abilities occur.
Moisture in the night air during this time probably contains life giving nutrients, perhaps similar to how the redwood trees which live thousands of years absorb moisture through their leaves rather then the soil.
A handy trick to finding out when 13:30LST is occurring (Deneb rising in east) is that the star Aldebaran,w which is in Taurus constellation will be setting in the west during this time as 13:30LST is occurring.
Eternal Light Blog
The chart shown above includes specific stars at the 4 main peaking LST time-slots. If one looks at the chart, one finds that certain stars, that when rising in the east, enhance precognition. There exist 4 main peaks every 24 hour cycle. If one looks at what the brightest stars in the sky are, one can sees that the stars that create the peaks of precognition are also the brightest stars. Shown below are the brightest stars in the night sky starting with the brightest stars first. In the picture above, the stars are also labelled with red numbers.
Rigil Kentaurus
Brighest Stars Wikipedia
When one looks at the mythology of these stars, one can find many interesting things. For example, the Maya, which created some of the most actuate time calendars ever known, revered the power of the Milky Way believing it was the path to the underworld, perhaps representing the intuitive unconscious mind. Or the star Sirius, which the ancient Egyptians practically worshiped with its relationship to the Nile river.
If one were to examine the maximum peak period of precognition, which is 13:30LST, not only is the Milky Way rising in the east during this time, but the star Deneb is also rising in the east around this time. Deneb rises at approximately 12:30 LST (just 1 hour before the rise of the Galactic Center, or center of our Milky Way). What is most interesting is Deneb happens to be the star that is located in the Cygnus constellation. Not only have I written extensively about the Cygnus constellation in my previous articles, because it emits some of the most powerful cosmic rays known, but the megalithic passage-mound of Newgrange, which is one of the oldest structures known to mankind contains astronomical alignments to Cygnus and there are numerous cultures throughout history that reference Cygnus.
Specific Stars and Constellations that rise in the east, according to the latitude that culture resides in are influencing the path or direction that civilizations take. We can think of it as a type of "future pathway" that is being laid out by the stars and civilization follows along it.
If one looks at the brightest star that begins the 5:30LST time slot, we see numerous references to Regulus in science fiction. It has been used in "Star Trek", "Babylon 5, the name of a character in the "Harry Potter" series by J.K. Rowling; the brother of Sirius Black, Harry's godfather, named for the brightest star in the sky.
In mythology, Regulus means “little king” in Latin, and various cultures have referred to Regulus as the king, royal, mighty, great etc. because it is in the constellation of Leo.
At approximately 19:30 LST the constellation Aquarius is rising in the east. We as a civilization are moving out of Pisces and into Aquarius (the spring equinox). The brightest star in the Aquarius constellation is Sadalsuud (also called Beta Aquarii), followed by Aldebaran in the Taurus constellation. In mythology, Sadalsuud relates to the rising of the Sun after winter has passed and the season of gentle, rain has begun. Hence, it is represented as a myth of "luck" or "good fortune" as aligned with the essence of spring; the burgeoning of new life via agriculture, which is the very foundation of prosperity or "good fortune" in civilization.
It is most interesting that in Alchemy, the dew needed to make the philosopher's stone is gathered when the Sun is in Taurus. The spring signs are Gemini, Aries and Taurus and are the first group of the signs in the zodiac with Aries beginning on the vernal equinox (which marks the beginning of spring) in the Northern Hemisphere.
The reason there is a peak spike in Aquarius rising is because humanity is entering the age of Aquarius and is passing out of the age of Pisces. I have devoted an entire article to this phenomenon, which you can read here.
Supergiants, Solar Flares and Intuition
Our research with the ARV Intuition Testing Project, a few months ago, issued an important summary of our research, which by the way is the only online Stock Prediction Platform that uses solar activity to predict future stock movements, has shown that solar flares greatly enhance the accuracy of associative remote viewing. It is extremely interesting to note that solar flares have been observed occurring taking place in the galactic center (center of our Milky Way).
Many of the brightest stars shown earlier in this article are supergiant stars, meaning they are much, much larger than the diameter of our sun. Research has found that Supergiant stars emit solar flares much more often than our sun. Hence greater amounts of energy and radiation are emitted. These particles may be travelling in real time to our part of the galaxy. These particles may be an unidentified form of particles / radiation that is able to travel faster then light, as the data shows it is affecting the intuitive mind, exhibiting peaks 4 times a day as shown in the LST chart in real time.
An excellent research paper titled Long-Term Study of Heart Rate Variability Responses to Changes in the Solar and Geomagnetic Environment Abdullah Alabdulgade et al. that was published in 2018, showed that solar flares do affect the body's physiology, including the nervous system by looking at the body's heart rate etc. when a solar flare was taking place in real time. And as shown on our ARV Precognition research project page, the nervous system can detect future events (in the form of extreme emotions via photographs or emotions) BEFORE they happen. Hence the nervous system is somehow tied into particles / energy that is related to future events. The science fiction television series Stargate SG1 includes a few episodes where they use solar flares to travel through time.
Further Reading
Study Shows Geomagnetic Fields and Solar Activity Affect Human Autonomic Nervous System Functions
Favorable solar weather conditions allow for a much more clearer signal of future events to be picked up by the nervous system.
Further Reading
Supergiants emit gamma rays
Tachyons and Gamma Rays
Published Research studies are being conducted suggesting that tachyons of extremely large mass could contribute to the dark matter in astrophysical observations, and that they could also provide an explanation for gamma ray bursts and ultra high energy cosmic rays. Hence, gamma rays may be associated with Tachyon particles.
Star Rise / Set Times and Precognition LST Time Slots
According to my location in Hawaii, the following stars rise at the following LST times:
Betelgeuse rises at approximately 00:00 LST
Aldebaran rises at approximately 21:00 LST
Pollux rises at approximately 2:30 LST
Sirius rises at approximately 3:00 LST
Regulus rises at approximately 5:30 LST
Spica rises at approximately 6:30 LST
Arcturus rises at approximately 8 LST
Antares rises at approximately 10:30 LST
Hadar rises at approximately 11:00 LST
Vega rises at approximately 11:30 LST
Rigil Ken. rises at approximately 11:30 LST
Deneb rises at approximately 12:30 LST (closest to the Galactic Center)
Procyon rises at approximately 1:30 LST
Altair rises at approximately 1:30 LST
Canopus rises at approximately 2:30 LST
Achernar & Capella rises at approximately 22:00 LST
Rigel rises at approximately 23:30 LST
What does LST Mean?
LST stands for Local Sidereal Time. In astronomy, the rising of stars are shown in LST time because it can be used as a near perfect reference point to find out the exact rise, zenith and setting of a star. To use LST you will need to use a Local Sidereal Time Clock and convert the LST time to your local time, which will give you the exact time the star rises and sets according to your location.
Physical Healing and Gamma Rays?
It is a proven fact that gamma ray increases take place during therapy. In my location in Hawaii on April 14th of each year (spring) just after midnight it is 13:30LST. This time / seasonal just so happens to coincide with an ancient Taoist Immortality Exercise called the The Daoji Tuna Jing exercise, which I show how to do in more detail in my book The Official Guide to Reversing the Aging Process. Rashnya Herbs, Alchemy & Taoist Longevity Secrets. The exercise emphases taking in the night air, and as shown earlier, Aquarius represents the season of gentle, rain. Hence this time of year there may be more nutrients in the night air that contribute to physical regeneration of the body.
Further Reading
Effect of continuous low-dose gamma irradiation on healing of standardized wounds in the albino rat. BROWN SO. et al. 1962
Acceleration of skin wound healing by low-dose indirect ionizing radiation in male rats. Jabbari N et al. Aug 2017.
Curcumin treatment enhances the repair and regeneration of wounds in mice exposed to hemibody gamma-irradiation. Jagetia GC and Rajanikant GK. Feb 2005.
How to find LST times that match intuitive peaks
First find out what time a constellation or star rises in the east at your location. You can use an online sky map or for the exact time consult the Naval Observatory rise set times at:
Lately Naval Observeratory server has been down. You can also use software to find out these times.Next using an LST clock find out what the LST time is when the star is rising in the east. Next match the LST time the star rises to the LST precognition calendar
Other Star Rise / Set Time Resources
Earth's Prestimulus Response
As outlined in detail in the Prestimulus Response page the human nervous system exhibits Prestimulus Responses when about to be shown a photograph or is exposed to an emotional event. Simply put the nervous system can detect a future event before it actually takes place.
One of the keys to successful Prestimulus Responses that has emerged over the years doing associate remove viewing sessions is the existence of a peaking barometric air pressure system in the region that the associative remote viewing session is being conducted.
Higher air pressure is like a balloon where all the molecules become tightly packed together, causing a stretching effect much like an inflating balloon, due to the density of air. Dr. Nikolai Kozyrev's discoveries researching the flow of time found that time had stretching properties via a decrease in entropy.
(pages 54 and 55)
The Law of Entropy
Magnetic fields are not the only force in nature that have attraction / repulsion effects. The 2nd law of Thermodynamics states that Heat flows from hot to cold. Hence a higher barometric air pressure system is where the air is warmer / hotter / drier / windy. When this peaks and goes into decline the hot air flows towards the approaching cooler air. This could happen over a series of days. Hence at the peak of barometric air pressure, molecules from the approaching cool zone (falling air pressure) may be traveling back through time (reverse arrow of time) to the date that the barometric air pressure peaks. These molecules include within them information from the future.
Scientists have REVERSED TIME in experiment breaking 2nd law of thermodynamics.
Hence one can think of peaking barometric air pressure as a fully recharged lithium battery, which due to entropy becomes discharged. Hence at the very first use of a full lithium battery, for a split millisecond, molecules from the future travel back to the energetic molecules in the battery's present reference time frame.
The Plane that Traveled Through Time
There must exist then accounts of people who encountered such peaks of barometric air pressure and experienced strange time anomalies. Air pressure is higher / denser at higher elevation / altitude. This is why time flows faster at higher elevations (into the future).
This would also account for the mild aging side effects associated when using the ARV device. Thankfully I have written over 4 books on anti-aging and am able to combat this issue.It also explains why in the science fiction television series Time Trax, Darien Lambert has to take TXP in order to survive the journey through time. or in the hot tub time machine movie they have to take the drink before travelling through time.
There is an excellent video titled - PILOT FLIES INTO TIME WARP, BRUCE GERNON'S AMAZING BERMUDA TRIANGLE STORY - where the pilot travels over 100 miles in 3 just minutes, an obvious timeslip. This has been FULLY DOCUMENTED BY THE FAA AND THE STORY IS REAL. Bruce has devoted an entire website to his experience which you can read here.
It may be that the region that he flew in (the Bermuda Triangle) had energies similar to devices that alter the flow of time and he happened to be in the region such a device became active.
So let's take a look at the activity of barometric air pressure leading up to the days before and after December 4th, 1970, being the date of Bruce's timeslip.
After checking historical records for barometric air pressure over Miami, which was the location his plane de-materialized on December 4th, 1970, the barometric air pressure had peaked, with barometric air pressure heading into a decline during the approaching 24 hours. Strangely enough the 30.2 is missing the numerical data on that date.
Most importantly of all the dew point had dropped dramatically, which usually does with a decline in barometric air pressure. Early on in our ARV sessions we found that drops in dew point activity enhanced the accuracy of ARV sessions.
What is most interesting is December 4th, 1970 happened to be the exact date of the Moon's First Quarter, which also happens to be a time that our ARV research has shown to be a time of enhanced ARV accuracy.
Further Reading
The Science behind Bruce Gernon’s Flight (December 4, 1970) by David P. Pares
Lowering barometric pressure induces neuronal activation in the superior vestibular nucleus in mice
13:30LST, TimeSlips and the Flow of Time
There was a large sunspot on the date of Bruce's flight. According to Bruce's web page, his plane went into time warp at approximately 3:30 PM on Dec 4th, 1970.
If we find out what the LST time was at 3:30 p.m. in Miami on December 4th, 1970 and match it to the Seasonal LST precognition calendar we get the time of approximately 13:00LST. Which is VERY CLOSE TO THE PEAK OF PRECOGNITION OR THE ENHANCED ABILITY TO SEE THROUGH TIME (ESP).
Data Facts
The LST time clock does not list Miami, only Ft. Lauderdale, which is very close to the geographic region of Miami.
At 13:30LST, possibly due to enhanced gamma rays from solar flares / sunspots, including those outside our solar system, an increase in the ability for time to 'stretch further" takes place. If the person is over an earth ley line during this time, during the right lunar phase or with the right equipment / technology and time may become more fluid. In the future when equipment becomes available to measure the differences in time flow, these would be the places and times to measure it to look for these differences. Bruce's flight path took him over an earth ley line, also called an earth grid point. Coral Castle, which was built with tons of stones that were supposedly levitaetd into place, also happens to be over an earth ley line.
Please credit discoveries in this article to Scott Rauvers founder of the Solar Institute at
