This July 4th, 2017 marks the 10 year anniversary of originally began in San Jose in California as a technology to forecast the future UP / DOWN position of the Dow Jones Industrial Average using solar weather. Today, 10 years later we are as close to making that dream a reality, as we have ever been, by using a combination of associative remote viewing combined with new technology using the right solar weather windows. Not only have we accomplished this feat, but with the founding of the Solar Institute, over a dozen books an reversing aging have been successfully published.
A sincere and heartfelt thank you goes out to the loyal readers of the first editions of these books, many of which have now undergone major revisions and improvements just in the last year. The grand vision of ez3dbiz continues to live on, inspiring the millions of visitors each and every day, and the millions more yet to come. Our vision is to express, in the spirit of science, new technologies and information that are non-invasive, sustainable and most of all fun. Once again we give a sincere and heartfelt thanks to all our loyal visitors who have been with us over the years as we have matured and grown and invite you all to continue to enjoy the journey with us in what we think are going to be very exciting years ahead!
Coming Soon, for 30 days only, the completely revised 2017 edition book Solar Flares and Their Effect Upon Behavior and Human Health will be offered FREE in PDF format. This free 30 day version is in celebration of EZ's 10 year anniversary.
Scott Rauvers
Founder of