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Why Time Viewing Technology will not Work For Military Purposes

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I'm sure many of you have seen the Terminator movie Genisys (2015) where the machine / robot travels back in time to save its own race of machines.  In real life however, some believe the Billy Meier case that is, time travelling visitors from the Pleiades star system have  been taking trips back to our present to warn us away from global war.  Those of you that are familiar with one of the Solar Institute's very first books, Solar Flares and their Effects Upon Human Behaviour and Health (revised in 2017), you know that during condition green periods, which is a period where the effects of solar weather exert a more calming effect on the mind, is a time where no major terrorist attacks have ever occurred, and possibly will never occur.  What is also interesting, as I show in my latest two Remote Viewing Books An Introduction to Remote Viewing the FOREX. Schumann Resonance Coherence Secrets and Secret Gems Foods & Essential Oils for Intuition & Associative Remote Viewing, is that the condition green period is also the period where the mind is more easily able to view future events up to 4 days into the future.

If you were a military general, or in a similar capacity, and have knowledge about the condition green and its effects, you would know that condition greens would be a very good time to plan for short term military manoeuvres, or do remote viewing sessions because you would know your opponent's future position, giving you a major strategic advantage. However, there is one small issue here.

Condition green periods are a time of peace and harmony.  As I show in my latest remote viewing book An Introduction to Remote Viewing the FOREX. Schumann Resonance Coherence Secrets, that during maximized condition greens, people have a tendency to want to meditate on peace meditations, including the example of the Washington D.C. group meditation that occurred during a maximized condition green that resulted in the crime rate in Washington D.C. falling 23% and the terrorist attacks in Lebanon dropped a significant number of points after group meditations that were focused on reducing hostilities.  Most war is based upon a lack of common understanding, poor communication skills, unclear expectations and power plays and manipulations. Hence condition green periods enhance communication, especially between the present and future. As a matter of fact, when we locate the target date to perform our ARV sessions, many of these dates happen to coincide with worldwide peace meditations, as happened during our most recent ARV session conducted on Tuesday July 2nd, 2018. As the sun has shown us, violence is never the answer, peace and harmony are.


So if you were going to use Time Viewing Technology to plan military maneuverers around your adversary, here are the facts -


1 - Time Viewing Technology / Associative Remote Viewing is only stable during specific solar weather conditions (aka condition greens).


2 - People are not motivated to fight / induce violent acts, and are more inclined to practice World Peace / Group Meditations during condition greens (less aggressive).



You may have the ability to know where your enemy will be at a specific point in time, however your army or trained soldiers may be much less motivated to fight and much less aggressive, nor will one find support from the local community to support or endorse a reason to encourage warfare. It is also interesting to note that the Time Travelling Pleiadians from the Pleiades star system have the ability to travel through time, yet have not used it for warfare, probably due to this very reason. I'm sure there have been conflicts in their past history along the way leading up to their time travel technology, but by the time they perfected their time travel technology, they had no desire for warfare.  




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