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Detoxification is the Fountain of Youth



detox fountain of youth

Reverse Aging Naturally. Alchemy and Ayurveda Longevity  Anti-aging Secrets



Further Reading
NBC News - The Virgo Constellation and the Fountain of youth

Feb 3rd, 2019 - The sulforaphane formula is now available.  It has been re-named anti-aging extract.

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Cosmic Rays and Longevity
I had noticed from personal experience that after practicing the Emerald Tablets exercise, which is a form of QI Gong, the past 10 years that the revitalization effects experienced during the exercise would always be stronger when there were more cosmic rays, with additional peaks experienced during the morning in spring and at sunset during fall of each year. In Taoism, during the morning in spring and afternoon in fall, these peaks exist as peak periods of Tai Chi energy that is generated in the body via the Microcosmic Orbit longevity exercise.  There is also another rejuvenation exercise known as the Big Dipper Rejuvenation Exercise that uses the energy of the Big Dipper to rejuvenate the body.  What do the Big Dipper and the Virgo Constellation both have in common?  They are both regions of the sky that emit the highest numbers of high-energy cosmic rays. Our sun also emits cosmic rays and 
cosmic rays feed life on earth, as they create clouds which rain and water life on earth, nourishing plants and life. 



Virgo - High Energy Cosmic Rays
Big Dipper - High Energy Cosmic Rays


Further Reading
Inconstant sun: how solar evolution has affected cosmic and ultraviolet radiation exposure over the history of life on Earth. Karam PA. Mar 2003.


The Ophiuchus Constellation 
In mythology, Ophiuchus is known as Asclepius, a physician who concocted a healing potion which gave humans access to immortality. When one looks at where Ophiuchus is located on a star map, one can see that it is to the left of the Virgo Constellation.  


The above image shows that  the ophiuchus constellation is zenith during late fall.  The below image shows the ophiuchus again, only this time during the morning hours in spring. NOTE - THESE ARE IMAGES FROM MY LOCATION IN HAWAII.  


Does the Crux have Healing Power?

Some years ago I wrote an article titled: Exploring the Emma McKinley Healing Miracle in which a woman was healed overnight, after having been confined to wheel chair for a number of years.  Her healing occured December 24th, 2011 from the hours of midnight until 5 a.m. Because the woman is in Rochester Minnesota, the Crux constellation cannot be seen from her location.  However, the constellation Virgo positioned roughly above the Crux. Because there are no major stars listed in the navy star map database, one can add approximately +2 hours and 40 minutes from the time that Sirius is Zenith to get an approximate time that the Crux rises in the east (or Virgo on its way to Zenith.  Zenith is the time a star or constellation is directly overhead). On Dec 24th each year (as of 2019) Sirius is Zenith at 12:45 a.m. Adding 2 hours and 40 minutes we get approximately 3:15 a.m., which happens to be around the time that Emma's Miracle Healing took place. Spica, which is the brightest star in the Virgo Constellation was rising in the east at 2:00 a.m. on December 24th, in Rochester Minnesota. In Biblical mythology Virgo is the constellation that gave birth to Jesus (a 'virgin womb'), as Virgo represents Mary. 

Summary and Conclusions

This region of sky that stretches from Virgo to Ophiuchus may be a region of sky related to healing and longevity. Hence practicing detox / QI Gong exercises during the times these constellations are zenith may be beneficial. 

Interesting Historical Fact

A new book written by Mr. Ovason has found that the constellation Virgo is aligned with some of the major buildings in Washington D.C. 



The Proper Exercise is Key
Please note that Qi Gong type exercises performed during times cosmic ray activity is stronger is benefical because the exercise may be providing a type of resistance / antedote to the negative effects of cosmic rays.  For example, Stoupel et al. found that low levels of geomagnetic disturbance combined with higher levels of cosmic rays caused significant rises in emergency calls and deaths during, with the most increases being cerebral strokes and sudden cardiac death in the elderly. In summary, increased cosmic rays exhibit beneficial health effects and possibly beneficial synergy in people who are in good health and those practicing Qi Gong / Tai Chi type exercises. In the very old, and those that are in bad health, increased cosmic rays may be exhibiting the opposite effect, contributing to ill health and an increased chance of death. In summary, increasing cosmic rays are a form of fuel that helps one to go the extra mile. Hence,  increasing cosmic rays work best when one is healthy and fit, which in turn supports the health of the body.

Long-Term Study of Heart Rate Variability Responses to Changes in the Solar and Geomagnetic Environment. Abdullah Alabdulgader. et al. Feb 2018




Detoxification is the Fountain of Youth 
After writing the book Reverse Aging Naturally. Alchemy and Ayurveda Longevity Anti-aging Secrets
, I had found that doing a detox while the moon was in virgo greatly enhanced the detoxification process.  The detoxification process involved taking spirulina to chelate heavy metals and a new formula I devised known as the sulforphane formula (shown in the book), which when mixed with brewer’s yeast, gets right into the cells, detoxing them thoroughly.  Hence metal chelation is part of the detoxification processMany people insist that  doing a detox around full moons works well. This is interesting because a study found that a solar eclipse exhibited favorable properties upon the body due to the eclipse's effect upon bacteria and studies have found that some bacteria do not ageIt is also interesting to note that a supplement that detoxes the cells of the body called Cellfood has an almost perfect 5 star rating, out of over 700 reviews on Amazon. This is significant because the supplement claims to target mitochondria of the cells, allowing it to get deeply into the cells. Also scientific studies have been conducted on Cellfood which showed that it improved the respiratory metabolism of endothelial cells and inhibited hypoxia-induced reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation. Excess ROS exhibits some of the strongest effects related to aging

Cellfood™ improves respiratory metabolism of endothelial cells and inhibits hypoxia-induced reactive oxygen species (ros) generation. Ferrero E et al. Jun 2011

Further Reading
Classifying Aging As a Disease: The Role of Microbes. Michael S. Lustgarten


Seasonal Variation of Cosmic Rays
Cosmic rays appear to undergo 2 peaks every year.  These are during spring (April) and fall (October).  

Virgo Mythology
Mythology states that Virgo was the last immortal to live on earth. The constellation Virgo represents purity, or the Virgin and in astrology it  represents the stomach.  In longevity anti-aging science, we can take this to mean purification of the body's cells, detoxed of all wastes and purged of toxins.  When the cells are clean, they are able to process waste and function more effectively, thus greatly increasing lifespan. In astrology, Virgo represents the stomach.  It just so happens that probiotics, which are good for the stomach, enhance lifespan. And many of the world’s longest living people have been found to have an abundance of yogurt in their diet. Yogurt is one of the foods that contains an abundance of probiotics


Studies have found that the lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus, found in abundance in yogurt, binds and detoxifies metals. Other species of lactic acid bacteria such as L. plantarum and Bifidobacterium longum also bind to heavy metals and detox them out of the body. 

Rapid removal of lead and cadmium from water by specific lactic acid bacteria. Halttunen T, Salminen S, Tahvonen R. Int J Food Microbiol. 2007 Feb 28; 114(1):30-5.

Is The Last Supper a coded metaphor for Health and Longevity?
The famous alchemist St. Germain was supposedly alive since the time of Christ (St. Germain allegedly died the 27th February 1784). If this were true, than around 2,000 years ago there were people who had the knowlege of physical immortality, most likely via Egyptian Alchemy.  The movie holocene man is a science fiction story about a man who also lived for over 2,000 years. According to Christian scripture, the practice of taking Communion originated at the Last Supper where Jesus passed unleavened bread and wine around the table and explained to his Apostles that the bread represented his body and the  wine his blood. During the passover, Jesus Christ said, “Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day". Passover is practiced during spring and wine contains the anti-aging substance reserveratrolFind out more of the bible's coded secrets. Could this mean that the season of spring is the best time of year to detox, especially around a full moon? It is interesting to note that some christians fast around easter


UVB Activity and Metaphors to the Passover
UVB activity exhibits a seasonal variation, showing that during mid-March  UVB doses are high and drop to low levels by October. UVB levels can vary by region as shown by a quote below.

"We had recently shown that the effective vitamin D forming UVB irradiation in Delhi (28.61° N) is maximum between 11 am and 1 pm during the months of March–June and September–October"

Reference (full study available.  Just do a search for the study title +PDF)
Regional and seasonal variations in ultraviolet B irradiation and vitamin D synthesis in India. R. K. Marwaha1 et al. Nov 2015



Passover is always practiced during the full moon in April (after the northern vernal equinox), which is close to the time of year UVB solar activity reaches its peak. The story of Passover (spring equinox) is about Jesus Christ dying and a few days later rising back to life. After the spring equinox, the number of daylight hours start outnumbering the days of darkness. Light overpowers the darkness (CHRIST HAS RISEN FROM THE DEAD). As the sun passes over the equator two times per year, with each crossing being 6 months apart, it forms a cross. Hence this is where the cross of Christianity came from.

It is interesting to note that the Inca saw that center of the Chakana Cross, which represents the Southern Cross, as the eye of God

Christ died during Passover, which is celebrated during Spring (march / april). This is the time of year that UV radiation is at its strongest levels. Ultraviolet irradiation causes aging as it generates reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the body's cells, causing photoaging and cellular senescence. It is very interesting to note here that herbs that protect against solar radiation, which are known as radioprotective herbs, extend lifespan and that resveratrol exhibits radioprotection properties. Another example is the natural antibiotic Garlic,  which exhibits radioprotective properties, and Garlic extends lifespan.  There may be many other herbs that exhibit radioprotection, shown in the study that have yet to be recognized for their lifespan extension properties. 

Healthy levels of UVB Exposure are good for the body, because it makes healthy amounts of Vitamin D levels for the human body. Our bodies manufacture vitamin D when the sun's ultraviolet B (UVB) rays interact with the substance 7-dehydrocholesterol (7-DHC) which is in our skin. Once the production of vitamin D has been reached, further exposure to the sunlight ends up destroying vitamin D and vitamin D3 levels. One of the most important vitamins made by UVB radiation is Vitamin D3 and Vitamin D3 has been shown to extend lifespan. 

Effect of vitamin D3 on lifespan in Caenorhabditis elegans. Messing JA et al. Dec 2013 

When sunlight shines upon our skin it produces Vitamin D3Vitamin D3 has been found to lengthen lifespanAnd the life extending substance resveratrol, which is found in red wine, happens to synergize with Vitamin D3

Biological effects of combined resveratrol and vitamin D3 on ovarian tissue. Francesca Ubert et al. Sept 2017. 

Synergistic induction of human cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide gene expression by vitamin D and stilbenoids. Guo C et al. Mar 2014

A lack of healthy vitamin D levels in the body has also been associated with  increased heart problems.

Further Reading
Vitamin D Receptor Is Necessary for Mitochondrial Function and Cell Health. Chiara Ricca et al. Jun 2018.


Excessive UVB Radiation may also be negatively affecting the eyes, as studies have found that cases of glaucoma peak during April. Other studies reveal that UV rays may contribute to cataract formation. This is because UVA rays penetrate deeply into the body, reaching deep into the lens of the eye. Associative Macular Disorder peaks between January and April of each yearAnother study came to a similar conclusion showing that the eye disorder APACG, peaked during winter with a second peak occuring during spring and fall. 

Many people retire to Florida to escape harsh winters.  The sunlight is also good for the heart. However, Florida's excessive UV levels also make it one of the states that has an above average number of cases of glaucoma and cataracts. 


Geomagnetic Storms and Health
I have written extensively showing how solar activity affects health in my book Solar Flares and their Effect upon Health. The strongest impact upon the body by solar activity comes from strong geomagnetic storms, which mainly affect the heart. Quote from a study -

"The experiments on intact rabbits have shown that geomagnetic storm breaks the relationship between the size of myocardial mitochondria and the degree of cardiac contractility, causes swelling and further destruction of mitochondria."

It is interesting to note that studies have found that cosmic rays decrease during geomagnetic storms (shown below), and that during full moons there is a reduced chance of heart problems


Study of Intense Geomagnetic Storms and associated Cosmic Ray Intensity Variation. Subhash C. Kaushik et al. 2005


Summary / Conclusion
People born in October, or during solar minimum, live longer because they are exposed to reduced levels of UVB radiation, or the healthy amounts (sunlight is dose dependant), so the body produces healthly levels of Vitamin D and Vitamin D3. Hence October is the best time of year to be outdoors getting sun. 
In Taoism, the season Autumn / Fall is represented by the element metal, which is in turn represented by the lungs and the formula I devised from my new book called the sulforphane formula, protects the lungs, as shown by the numerous studies posted below.  



Protective mechanism of sulforaphane in Nrf2 and anti-lung injury in ARDS rabbits Zongjian Sun. et al. April 2018.

Sulforaphane prevents bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis in mice. Bingdi Yan et al. May 2017

Sulforaphane‐induced apoptosis in Xuanwei lung adenocarcinoma. Lan Zhou et al. Nov 2016.

Sulforaphane attenuates pulmonary fibrosis by inhibiting the epithelial-mesenchymal transition. Sun Young Kyung et al. 2018.


Reserveratrol Protects the Skin
Studies have found that applying reserveratrol to the skin protects it from sun damage (Polonini et al., 2013; Wu et al., 2013). Studies also found that when reserveratrol was combined with ß-cyclodextrin, that it exhibited stronger results against the effects of aging (Moyano-Mendez et al., 2014).

Further Reading

Research study - Vitamin D Promotes Protein Homeostasis and Longevity via the Stress Response Pathway Genes SKN-1, IRE-1, and XBP-1

Mitochondrial Function Seen to Improve with Low Dose of Resveratrol

Mitochondrial Protection by Resveratrol

Oral intake of 7-dehydrocholesterol increases vitamin D3 concentrations in the liver and kidney. 


Summary / Conclusions
The last supper and passover may be metaphors for Jesus being an archetype/ metaphor for our sun with the flesh of the body, which is affected by UVB solar radiation (creating Vitamin D, excess amounts destroy Vitamin D). The period from September to December is when the amount of daylight is shortest. This results in greatly reduced levels of solar radiation and radioprotective herbs extend lifespan because they protect the body from excessive UV radiation.  

Cosmic Rays and Lifespan
Boron soaks up cosmic rays, as demonstrated in computer chips that contain boron, which are responsible for 'soft errors caused by cosmic rays'. 

"The third significant source of ionizing particles in electronic devices is the secondary radiation induced from the interaction of low-energy cosmic ray neutrons and boron"

Radiation-Induced Soft Errors in Advanced Semiconductor Technologies Robert C. Baumann, Fellow, IEEE


Boron and Lifespan
The nation of Turkey happens to have an above average concentration of Boron in its soil which is why Turkish women have extraordinary low levels of cervical cancer (Lara Pizzorno Aug 2015) and boron rich diets have been associated with a decreased risk of lung cancer (Lara Pizzorno Aug 2015). Boron is also used to treat lung cancer (Alberti D et al. Apr 2015) as well as strengthen the bones of the body (Newnham R.E. 1994) and boron has been shown to extend lifespan by 9.5% (Environ Health Perspect. 1994 Nov;102 Suppl 7:45-8. Effect of dietary boron on the aging process. Massie HR). Boron is also found in the upper atmosphere.  What is most interesting is almonds are one of the foods that are abundant in boron and alonds are also a prebiotic



The House of Bread
The city of Bethlehem in the bible, where the Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus, means "House of Bread". If you research further you will find that Bethlehem is the metaphor for the constellation Virgo and Mary is a metaphor for the constellation Virgo.  And it is quite interesting that the  lifespan of yeast, which is used to make bread, has been extended 475% when the yeast were fed an extract of salix alba, which comes from the willow tree, and is also used to make asprin. Willow contains salicylic acid. Salicylic acid has been shown to reduce myocardial infarction deaths (heart attacks). 


The Virgin Mary is a metaphor for the constellation Virgo. Virgo represents great female deities. The name "Mary" is etymologically related to water, which means birth and the astrological glyph for Virgo is represented as an ‘M’. The Virgo constellation is known as the House of Bread because during biblical times the Sun transited the constellation Virgo during August/September. In Hebrew the words ‘bet lehem’ (Bethlehem) mean House of Bread. On the night of the 24th of December, the constellation Virgo (the great maiden/mother of Bethlehem) can be seen rising in the northern hemisphere sky at night from 10 pm to dawn. Hence, the birth of the new-born sun three days after the winter solstice. Also the sulforphane detox formula mentioned earlier works well at night, taken before bed, because the body naturally detoxes while it sleeps as shown in a scientific study.


Further Reading

Six plant compounds including willow bark may delay aging through hormetic response & mimicking calorie restriction.

Plant extracts more potent than metformin and rapamycin

People born during Fall Live Longer
And in closing, studies have found that people that were born during the season of fall live longer lives on average and that
 people born during solar minimum, which is a time there are more cosmic rays, live longer lives on average. 


Why there are less cosmic rays during sunspot maximum
As solar activity of the sun begins increasing and peaks, the sun's coronal magnetic field becomes very active.  This intense activity causes the cosmic rays streaming towards earth to become deflected.


The Path of the Sun as a Metaphor for Religion
From December 22nd to January 19th, the Sun passes through the Capricorn constellation, reaching its limit around December 22nd, which is the shortest day of sunlight because it is at its lowest ascension on the horizon. (Matthew chapter 2. King Herod looks to Bethlehem, the house of bread, Virgo, but Jesus is not there, because Jesus is in Capricorn). By December 25th the sun is climbing higher into the sky rising slightly farther south each day (from my location in Hawaii) with the days geting longer. By spring, the sun passes-over (passover) the equator heading towards the cancer constellation. Light now defeats the darkness giving it a good dose of cancer. As September approaches, the sun once again passes over the equator headed towards the constellation of Libra / Virgo around September 22nd. Cold and darkness now extinguish the light restoring balance to the light (Libra, the scales of justice). 


Jesus Died upon the Cross 
From my location in Hawaii, the Southern Cross constellation appears just before sunrise in late December and early January every year (the cross rises at dawn in the southeast around January 7th each year and sets in the south south west around February 26th each year).  This is about 2 weeks after the December Solstice, a time that daylight starts growing stronger.  The story of Jesus dying on the cross during Passover, which occurs in April of each year, could be a metaphor meaning the Southern Cross Constellation "dies" over the horizon around that time of year.  Hence, shouldn't Easter in Hawaii be celebrated around the February of 28th every year? Of course this depends upon your latitude or location on the earth, and due to precession (almost 2,000 years since the birth of christ), the stars have changed.  But in simple terms, Jesus dying on the cross may simply be a metaphor for the Southern Cross not being visible at dawn during spring time. Richard Hinckley Allen (1838-1908), who was an expert in stellar nomenclature, stated that the Southern Cross was visible on the horizon of Jerusalem around the time "Christ" was "crucified". However due to precession (the oscillating motion of Earth's axis) today the Southern Cross is now in a different position and out of view in certain regions on earth. 

If you reside in the southern latitudes on earth, the Southern Cross is easily visible any time of the year. If you live in the tropical latitudes of the northern hemisphere, you can view the Southern Cross near the horizon during winter and spring for only a few hours each morning. 

However, if you live south of the Tropic of Capricorn, the Southern Cross constellation is visible the entire year, and if you live in southern Australia, the Southern Cross is visible above the horizon all year, as it moves clockwise in a circular fashion each day. This could be why the Southern Cross appears on the Australian and New Zealand Flags. 


Online Star Map


Approximately 5 to 7 weeks after the Southern Cross 'dies'
over the horizon, passover is celebrated by Christians.  
Hence "Jesus has carried the cross" and than died. 

The Three Wise Men
It is intersting to note that a group of stars called the Jewel Box Cluster which is located in the Southern Cross constellation consists of three bright direct stars. Could the 3 wise men (who brought precious gifts to Jesus) be a metahphor for this constellation?  The Jewel Box stars are located on the right portion of the photo (yellow circle) with another three stars on the left (red circle). 

Summary and Conclusions
People live longer on average due to the effects of reduced solar radiation and if practicing specific exercises that target the lungs via breathing such as QI Gong type exercises, the body can utilize the increased levels of cosmic rays to enhance health and detoxification.  Performing a detox  when the moon is in Virgo
, when the sun is in Virgo (between August 23rd and September 23rd every year) or when cosmic rays are showing a major increasecan greatly amplify the detoxification process, thus leading to a longer lifespan. From my personal experinece, and that of others, the season of Spring, as well as late Summer, are the best times of year to do a detox. The main underlying theme here is that by detoxing when UVB radiation are at above average levels that it helps to more thoroughly flush out toxins from the body thus contributing greatly to increased health and a long life. Many of these toxins in the body consits of metals that are microscopic in nature and cosmic rays have been found to interact with metals and metal chelation therapy reduces heart attacks.

Cosmic ray (neutron) activity and air pollution nanoparticles - cardiovascular disease risk factors - separate or together? Stoupel EG. Sept 2016.



Further Reading


Cosmic rays as a novel hypothetic explanation for the ancient mentioned effects of sleeping under the night sky. Farshad Amini-Behbahani and Jafar Ghafarzadeh. Feb 2018


Life span profiles of glutathione and acetaminophen detoxification. Chen TS et al. Dec 1990.


Modulation of Metabolic Detoxification Pathways Using Foods and Food-Derived Components: A Scientific Review with Clinical Application. Romilly E. Hodges and Deanna M. Minich.


Detoxification reactions: relevance to aging. Piotr Zimniak. May 2008.


Enhanced Phase II Detoxification Contributes to Beneficial Effects of Dietary Restriction as Revealed by Multi-platform Metabolomics Studies. He Wen, et al. Dec 2012


 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life,

Feb 3rd, 2019 - The sulforaphane formula is now available.  It has been re-named anti-aging extract.

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