Dodleston Messages. Information from the Future on a P.C.
After reading through the book Phantom Messages: Chilling Phone Calls, Letters, Emails, and Texts, I was intrigued by an incident that had occurred back in the mid-1980's where a respected economic teacher's home computer (Ken Webster) started receiving messages from people in the past and than later on messages from person(s) 90 years from now (2109). Some of the messages came on the computer when it was in the kitchen on a marble surface, with most appearing when the computer was next to a fireplace.
The first series of messages began in 1984 and were from a person who claimed to be from the 16th century. At times the messages would appear when the room temperature would drop. This was a time before the Internet and his computer was not wired to a modem, so there was no way the messages were able to get onto his computer via a telephone cable or wi fi. After approximately two years of on and off contact with the person from the 16th century, a new person joined in, claiming to be from the year 2109. Eventually the messages from the future included strange symbols and objects were found inside envelopes. All communication ceased in 1986 after some "black agency" stepped in to "restore order", perhaps as a way of preserving the timeline or mis-use of the technology. The group that stepped in was supposedly called 2109, named after the year of the communication that came from the future. Later on, one of the UK's top UFO investigators (Gary M. Rowe) was sent in to investigate. The investigator sent return messages to the person(s) in the future, asking two major series of questions -
1 - Personal and private details of the investigator's life (Gary M. Rowe).
2 - The date of the next supernova explosion.
The person(s) from the future gave exact answers to the above questions which ended up completely perplexing the investigator. Other investigators from prestigious university's were asked to examine the handwriting and many stated that the language used was the same as that of the 16th century. Some people may think this was a hoax by a black ops group using advanced covert technology. If this were the case, how could they have known the exact date of a star going supernova? . Perhaps the messages were sent to that location because the environment is conductive / favorable to receiving the specific wavelength of infrared radiation necessary to send the messages through time and also because the house has been in the same location for hundreds of years.
In my very first book on remote viewing Wormhole Theories, Sunspot Activity and Remote Viewing Stocks, I show in the very first chapters how radiation may be a key component to access the stream of time. All objects in the universe emit some level of infrared radiation, with two of the most obvious sources being our sun and fires. When Thomas asked the person from the future (Ken) how it was possible to send messages through time, he stated he used the leems, which was positioned in the fireplace in his home. Thomas' wife would also have vivid dreams on the nights that the messages would occur. Could LEEMS be short for Low Energy Electron Mass Spectroscopy? Infrared sensors already exist and are used in soft computing
Further Reading
Time-delayed mass spectrometry of the low-energy electron impact with a liquid beam surface.
What do fireplaces and stars both have in common? They both emit infrared radiation. As plotted in the seasonal LST precognition calendar which is a calendar that shows the peak times psychic power peaks (4 peaks in a given 24 hour period), we see that the peaks roughly occur when the brighest stars are rising in the east. Hence, the infrared emanations given off by the stars may be emitting some sort of tachyonic field or energy which the mind is able to use to enhance precognition. The latest technology uses infrared light to transfer data 100 times faster than conventional WI-Fi.
Superimposition through Stationary Location
Many of us are fascinated that if one travels beyond the speed of light that the flow of the rate of time starts to change. This was proven in an NEC experiment where the light pulses traveled through the cesium 310 times faster than it would have traveled through a vacuum, the researchers said. This made it appear, in our frame of reference, to have left the chamber even before it entered.. However what if time could be bent / changed by a specific type of energetic field. It is theorized that this is how the Pleiadian Spacecraft travel through time by generating specific energy fields around their craft. It is well known in the scientific community that Cherenkov Radiation exhibits time dilation properties. This radiation is stationary in that the mass producing it is not moving at the speed of light. The other particle that exhibits faster than light effects is the Muon, which exhibits time dilation and is produced from cosmic rays, which come from not only our own sun, but from distant stars and galaxies as well.
Further Reading
Does Cerenkov radiation travel faster than light? (article by Cornell university)
When the mind / body enter a coherent state, magnetic field in the ambient environment will become quiet. Quiet geomagnetic activity has also been associated with enhanced PSI / PK functioning. Periods when overall geomagnetic activity is quiet (which occurs most often during solar minimum) are times remote viewing / psychic sessions are more accurate. I go into this in very great detail in my remote viewing series of books. It is interesting to note that during the mid 1980's (the time of the mysterious computer messages) solar activity was at a minimum (as shown in the picture below). This is also a time that geomagnetic activity is usually more quiet. Hence less psychic interference may result when geomagnetic activity is quiet.
Extremely low frequency (ELF) is the ITU designation for electromagnetic radiation (radio waves) with frequencies from 3 to 30 Hz
Journal of non-locality. Volume III. June 2014. ISSN 2167-6283
Binary Codes and Messages through Time
Computer software is a binary language. It may be that the early computers with their simple operating system (especially DOS) were vulnerable to interference from specific types of infrared radiation utilized by advanced technology from people from the future. As far as information coming from the past to the future, perhaps background infrared radiation in the environment acting upon infrared radiation from the future which crosses with the person(s) in the past. It is interesting to note that in the Science Fiction TV episode Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 6 Episode 1 at approximately 37 minutes into the episode Captain Picard uses a binary signal to send a message to the future using Data's (an android) head.
Recent Research on Using Binary Code to Send Information Through Time
In my book Secret Gems Foods & Essential Oils for Intuition & Associative Remote Viewing, I go into detail about how Ronald Mallet of the University of Connecticut has been looking for ways to send information through time using binary code. His work is based on using a laser that encodes the information in binary code using a loop which uses neutrons representing binary code with the 1's and 0's at opposite ends to one another (polarized). Simply put, the neutrons are arranged so some are up and some are down, representing 1's and 0's respectively, hence a simple binary message is formed. Ron's machine can only send / receive messages as long as it is turned on. Hence if it stays on in the same place for 100 years, information could be sent to any point in time within that 100 year timeframe. This makes sense in that Thomas' house has been in the same location for hundreds of years.
Further Reading
Gravitational Radiation from Compact Binary Pulsars
Binary Sources of Gravitational Radiation
Binary Code Reacts to Future Events
Princeton's "Egg" system is composed of random number generators that exhibit changes before a major event takes place. Random Number generators are composed of binary information consisting of random 0's and 1's. Usually the random numbers exhibit more changes when the event is global. This was proven during September 2001 in the change of activity BEFORE the planes struck the twin towers, as reflected in the random number generators exhibited spikes in their activity approximately 4 hours BEFORE the event took place.
You can even now Generate Random Binary numbers online.
Binary information systems exhibit pre-sentient effects.
Crop Circle Messages in Binary Code
A respected Caltech Scientist believes that some crop circles are used as markers for detecting / anchoring or getting a fix on a specific date in time. This is kind of like in associative remote viewing where one needs to get a fix on a specific date in time and needs a "marker" in order to identify the date that is being remote viewed. For example if one remote viewed a time in the future worldwide famine was taking place, one would need a specific date, as remote viewing specific dates is next to impossible. One trick around this is to use a "marker". A marker is a large scale clue that is obvious and stands out. Hence, a marker would be an elected politician. Hence when one remote views the world wide famine, one would do a follow up session remote viewing who was elected president at that time. Good markers have lots of emotion or feeling. For example in remote viewing bitcoin, by the Farsight Institute, the remote viewers issue only 5 remote viewing reports on bitcoin positions per year, most likely using the change of seasons as markers (especially around the solstices / equinoxes) . Hence remote viewing bitcoin increasing in value 3 months into the future, one does a follow up session remote viewing what the outdoor temperature feels like at that time.
Out of the thousands of crop circles taking place in England throughout the last 35 years, one specific formation known as the Crabwood Crop Circle Formation is very interesting. Researcher Paul Vigay found that the disc that is displayed in the crop circle displays a message in ASCI Binary Code. The message begins at the center of the disk, than spirals outwards to the edge of the disk. The message reads as follows -
Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts and their BROKEN PROMISES. Mush PAIN but still time. There is GOOD out there. We OPPose DECEPTION COnduit CLOSING (a bell sounds).
In the Journal of Nonlocality Volune 1 Nr 2012 ISSN: 2167-6283 the author states that communication to the past, as well as future are consistent with the weak causality violation proposed by Schmidt. Schmidt was famous for his brilliant work showing this in greater detail using cassette tapes that contained pre-recorded random numbers, with one used in a PK experiment and the other cassette being secured in a locked safe. The idea was to get the volunteers to change the past by altering the information on the tapes. In other words the weak force, if manipulated allows for information to travel both directions in time and the mind / intention has been proven to affect the weak force. It may very well be in that in the future scientists figure out a way to use infrared radiation to tap into the weak force and use it to send information through time.
Zeta Reticuli. The Binary Star System
There is much Internet buzz about Zeta Reticuli being populated by advanced extraterrestial beings, most notably from the information stated by Bob Lazar, who back engineered advanced extraterrestrial craft. A binary star system usually consists of two stars that orbit one another on average every 321 seconds. Each star varies in its brightness (hence the 1's and 0's appearance). One star is a primary star that is the brightest and the other star is dimmer in magnitude. If three stars form, a binary system may form, kicking out the 3rd star from its orbit. My personal Experience with Messages appearing on a computer out of nowhere
Binary Creates the Big Picture
When we look at a newspaper photograph we are really receiving information in binary fashion. A newspaper photo is made up of thousands of tiny squares, with varying shades of black and white, creating a contrast of greys. Hence if we look at energy from a distance, we see it is made up of bits of energy that is not constant in its energy levels. To put it simply, the flow of electricity is not constant, it consists of highs and lows. This was what Townsend Brown discovered and is displayed in his notes. The seasonal LST calendar also shows these highs and lows which occur as peaks and lows in precognition. In other words when the energy is stronger the ability to see the future is much clearer. Hence, like a newspaper photograph, the information all comes together making it easier to see at the 4 main LST time slots / peaks. I show in the LST precognition calendar that the brightest stars also emit solar flares. These solar flares may be sending energetic particles towards earth that enhance the effectiveness of remote viewing. A solar flare '10 billion times more powerful' than earth's sun was found to originate from a binary star system in Orion. To put it simply, these mega solar flares may be emitting particles that enter earth's solar system and these particles may be responsible for enhanced precognition. The seasonal LST calendar goes into more detail about this hypothesis.
As shown in our ARV research, solar flare activity greatly enhances the success of associative remote viewing sessions. In the late 90's I lived in a house near Cypress California, which is right next to the Los Alamitos Joint Forces Training Base. The base has a history of aircraft activity training. At the time I had invented an advanced radionics device that interfaced with a computer. The device involved placing a copper plate on the computer's screen. One day after I had activated the radionics device strange gibberish appeared on the computer screen. I checked the cables, mouse and computer keyboard for stuck buttons or loose wires, but the strange messages came through.This happened about 3 times over the course of several weeks. I also answered the messages and there were reply's. It was kind of like Spanish, but not exactly. Could these have been messages from the future where California is populated by Mexicans? or could it have been from the past when California previously was part of Mexico or an alternate timeline or reality where California is part of Mexico? I can't say for sure and at the time I attributed the messages to some type of poltergeist activity, but after reading about the Dodleston Messages, it made me think twice about what happened in Cypress California back in the late 90's. Also my computer did not have Internet access at the time or was not connected to a modem.
Mental telepathy and binary codes:
I have written in my remote viewing series of books that telepathy is closely related to associative remote viewing, due to the fact that some telepathic messages appear to exhibit time delay processing. In other words in some cases a telepathic message will be sent, but yet not appear for days, weeks or in some months even years. In my remote viewing book An Introduction to Remote Viewing the FOREX. Schumann Resonance Coherence Secrets, I cover in detail about the incident of a person in Georgia USA where a person who had been trained by the military to be a professional observer received telepathic messages in binary code. The messages were also similar to symbols / information contained on a disc. It is interesting to note that the Crabwood Crop Circle Formation contains a disk, which also contains information.
Read the full report at the link below:
The military man who received telepathic messages from an alien being in binary code
It is very interesting to note that Brain-to-brain 'telepathic' communication was achieved for first time using a computer that translated words into digital binary code, presented by a series of 1s or 0s.
Collective Consciousness: Consciousness Technology in a Radical New App
Listen to the Dodleston Messages Podcast
Infrared lasers can be used for point-to-point communications over distances of a few hundred meters or yards. TV remote controls that rely on infrared radiation shoot out pulses of IR energy from a light-emitting diode (LED) to an IR receiver in the TV, according to How Stuff Works. The receiver converts the light pulses to electrical signals that instruct a microprocessor to carry out the programmed command.
The sun gives off half of its total energy as IR, and much of the star's visible light is absorbed and re-emitted as IR,
Ref for above
IR transmission (reflectance) measurements can be carried out in magnetic fields up to 35T (17.5T).
Namely, external sources of magnetic field, light, and infrared (IR) signals are used to manipulate device sensors' readings
Variences in infrared radiation has been found to occur in QI Gong masters.
Biophotons, which have non-local properties have a frequency spanning from the ultraviolet (UV) to the infrared (IR) regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Bacterial biophotons as non-local information carriers
Research has found that when the mind / body enter a coherent state, the magnetic field in the surrounding ambient environment will become quiet. Quiet geomagnetic activity has also been associated with enhanced PSI / PK functioning possibly because quiet geomagnetic activity increases non-locality effects. The magnetic fields associated with hauntings occur in the frequency of between 0.1Hz to 30Hz (temporally complex, weak-intensity and extra low frequencies), of which the nervous system is very sensitive to. Weak complex magnetic field activity is also produced during psychic energy healing.
This proves that information / energy is being transmitted across distance points. Unlike radio waves which travel at the speed of light, and are subject to interference, perhaps infrared radiation can travel faster than the speed of light without interference, perhaps akin to the way bio photons relay information across various regions in the body. Perhaps biophotons utilize travel via a portal / wormhole type interface which infrared radiation may be utilizing similar mechanisms.
October 21, 2019 will be 4 years since Marty McFly and Doc Brown travel to the future in their time machine, the DeLorean, in Stephen Spielberg's Back To The Future: Part II. What a great opportunity to create an article based upon time.
Please credit these discoveries to Mr. Scott Rauvers, founder of After years of performing ARV sessions, the most accurate sessions would take place when solar flare activity was occurrin. A much overlooked very well documented research paper titled Discovery of superluminal velocities of X-rays and Bharat Radiation challenging the validity of Einstein's formula E= mc 2 states in the research paper that shows that particles arrive at earth before a solar flare takes place. The particles consist of what is known as Bharat Radiation and superluminal x-rays (faster than light x-rays). The paper states that solar x-rays measured by the GOES satellite are in the 7.0nm range. These x-rays would arrive BEFORE the actual brightening of the sunspot / solar flares. Also photons of high energies would arrive approximately four MINUTES behind the lower energy particles, suggesting the speed of light varies based on energy levels of the source emitting them. These particles also include solar neutrinos, suggesting that superluminal speeds at certain times, perhaps even varying speed according to the season of the year. The 7.0 nm Window For those of you following the ARV technology it contains 2 rods of Tritium, which emits low levels of beta radiation. Tritium happens to emit Bharat Radiation. Accessing Hidden Dimensions It is very possible that a specific type of neutrino, called the sterile neutrino, which is hypothtized to exist, that instead of travelling faster than the speed of light actually cuts through extra dimensions to arrive at its destination. This includes travelling through time from say today to tomorrow. Bharat Radiation travels "tunnels" through extra dimensions allowing faster than light travel of information The Time Traveler's Connection The Billy Meier samples, given to him by a time travelling race of people from the future included samples of metals that included thulium. Thulium gives off soft x-rays (when irradiated / placed in an energy field). Hence, energetic particles present in solar flares may be assisting consciousness during associative remote viewing. Hence these particles may be travelling faster than the speed of light because associative remote viewing involves seeing through time (into the future). What is very interesting is the decay of radiation in the substances silicon-32 and chlorine-36 exhibit a 33-day recurring pattern due to rotation rate of the sun's core and these 2 metals also exhibit a change in the decay rate a day BEFORE a solar flare erupts. The Billy Meier samples, given to him by a time travelling race of people from the future included samples of metals that included chlorine and silicon. Hence there are some particles being emitted before the solar flare that are causing this.What is even more interesting is that silicon has extremely low electronegativity and chlorine the highest amount of electronegativity. It may be that the energetic energy field generated by the time travelling craft somehow interacts with these metals, allowing it to traverse space/time. The Fireplace High Harmonic Generation of Soft X-Rays by Carbon Nanotubes Also a research paper published by William Tiller titled: The White Papers
Below is a quote from the research study titled: Faster-than-light EMP source initiated by short X-ray pulse of laser plasma So, experimentally, a planar accelerating diode comprising a metallic cathode and grid anode was initiated by an oblique short soft X-ray pulse from a point laser plasma source. - Then, the directed EMP source, i.e., the accelerated photoelectron current, was formed, whose boundary ran along the external surface of the anode at a faster-than-light velocity. The plasma was formed when a short-pulse (/spl sim/0.3 ns) laser radiation from ISKRA-5 facility was focused onto a plane Au target. The amplitude-in-time and spatial characteristics of the radiation emitted by the faster-than-light source are measured. Further Reading SOFT X-RAY PRODUCTION IN SPARK DISCHARGES IN HYDROGEN, NITROGEN, AIR, ARGON, AND XENON GASES
Additional Search Terms
So the research paper concludes that 7.0nm radiation travels faster than light. 7.0nm happens to be in the soft x-ray spectrum, or a specific type of radiation that is of very short wavelength. Soft X-rays have relatively short wavelengths of about 10 nanometers (a nanometer is one-billionth of a meter), and so they fall in the range of the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum between ultraviolet (UV) light and gamma-rays.
Post Summary
As will be shown in the Dodleston Messages, the messages arrived when the computer was next to his fireplace. Hence it may be that the carbon given off from over 300 years of using the fire place caused the region to become conditioned in some manner, perhaps due to the unique geography in the environment. Carbon nanotubes have been found go generate soft x-rays.
The Effect of Intention on Decreasing Human Anxiety and Depression via Broadcasting from an Intention-Host Device Conditioned Experimental Space shows that technology can be used to condition a space. Hence could technology from the future be used to condition a space in such a manner that it can send information to the past?
Further reading
Soft x-ray microscopy
Linda Howe + binary code georgia + parity violation solar flare + time reversal symmetry solar flare + binary cosmic rays + computer malfunction solar flare cosmic rays
Thanks for reading!!!!
