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Published August 2017. Remote Viewing. The Complete User&¦39;s
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Published August 2017. Remote Viewing. The Complete User&¦39;s
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Originally Posted September 27th, 2017 - Results for the Dow Jones ARV session conducted on Tuesday September 26th, 2017 at 11:30 p.m. for the trading activity of the Dow Jones on Friday September 29th, 2017, revealed for the Dow to open with weaker trading in the morning, recovering by the late afternoon and closing between 80 to 120 points higher at the end of the trading day. Two images were drawn during this session and both of these images have been posetd below.
Time Travel Communication: Sending Messages Through Time Can Be Possible – Says Professor
Analysis, Review and Summary of the Dow Jones ARV Session conducted on Tuesday evening September 26th, 2017 at 11:45 p.m
This remote viewing session took place almost 4 days from the target date. This ARV (Associative Remote Viewing) session was the first associative remote viewing session in an entire month and heart math was not practiced for the entire month until the session, proving this can be done by anyone with the right tools, knowledge and training. Results were astounding. Over our 70 ARV sessions we had always had trouble viewing the last few remaining minutes of trading, which as can be seen suddenly closed up higher. This session once again utilized the strong polarized light during the first quarter moon in association with favorable solar weather conditions and our device with amplifies the Schuman ressonance during favorable solar periods. Our Emotional Biorhythm was peaking and barometric air pressure was peaking and it rained on the target date.
New rainfall on the target date is always a good sign that the conditions are optimal as I show in the book Remote Viewing. The Complete User's Manual on Experiencing Future Consciousness. We are currently working on shrinking down the size of the device to make it more portable (shown below). This should be completed by early 2018. Solar Weather Analysis is posted below.
Solar Weather Details during the ARV session on September 26th, 2017.
The Sun&¦39;s 10.7 Radio Flux was steady/rising during the ARV (Associative Remote Viewing) session. A key component in ARV success.
Geomagnetic Activity was at below average levels.
Solar wind was steady, around 350, which is optimal
Because we have been having success with the window from first quarter to full moon, we will continue using it. There may exist a seasonal effect, such as the new moon during winter to spring and we are researching to see if there exists a seasonal effect. We have also had success using the LST Precognition Calendar which we will continue on using.
Results and Analysis of the August 29th, 2017 ARV session
The astounding clarity of this ARV session is based on the fact that we utilized the polarized light of the 1st quarter moon (half moon heading towards full). The session was also performed on a Sunday evening and the intuitive and emotional biorhythm was at its peak. Other factors included a stable 10.7cm radio flux and earth's geomagnetic activity remained stable up until the future target date. Solar wind speeds were stable low throughout the period. Because august is traditionally the worst month for ARV sessions, by adhering to this protocol, as well as our equipment, we were able to get a reliable session. Below are the results. There was also a solar flare the day of the ARV session, which in the past has enhanced ARV sessions as long as the 10.7cm radio flux remains stable. Also KP was in the "sweet spot" of between 7 and 11, as shown below. In conclusion the success of this ARV session was due to stability in the solar weather, and the polarlized moon.
Source for KP
Below is the solar flare that occured on the date. Source
Originally Posted on Monday morning August 28th, 2017 Hawaiian Time.
Results for the Dow Jones ARV session conducted on Sunday evening at 11:45 p.m. HI time. On Tuesday August 29th, 2017 the Dow will show weaker trading strength in the morning gaining strength after 2 p.m. and closing between 30 and 60 points higher at the end of the trading day.
August 27th, 2017 - An ARV scan for the position of the dow jones on August 29th, 2017 will be conducted on Sunday night August 27th, 2017 at 12:15 a.m. Hawaii Time. The results will be posted on this page on Monday August 28th, 2017. Learn More
Posted 10 a.m. July 30th, 2017.
New ARV session running new equipment and protocol enacted today. On Sunday at 11:45 pm the ARV session revealed for the Dow jones to close lower on Tuesday August 1st, 2017 between 20 and 40 points lower. Trading will be weaker in the morning recovering by late afternoon before closing lower at the end of the trading day.
Result: dow closed up 72 points.
We were very close to the actual type of trading activity that took place throughout the trading day and in the image shown, trading was very similar to the image we drew during the remote viewing session. However we failed in showing that the dow was going to close lower at the end of the trading day.
Please note that on a seasonal basis, remote viewnig sessions conducted during summer yield the worst results. It is also a great opportunity try new techniques that enhance ARV sessions during this period.
Below is the iamge drawn during the ARV session on July 30th, 2017
KP was also out of the "sweet spot" that is between 11 and 7.
Posted July 27th, 2017
Testing new hardware and seasonal method. Friday July 28th, 2017 ARV session revealed for the Dow to close between 40 and 80 points lower Friday July 29th 2017. -
Result -
Dow closed up 30 points. We attribute this failure to the drop in the 10.7xm radio flux and the KP levels were 15. This put the Fredericksburg KP out of the "sweet spot" of between 11 and 7. . The next ARV session will take place at an increased 10.7cm radio flux.
Posted July 19th, 10 a.m. Hawaii Time
The ARV session conducted on Tuesday, July 18th, 2017 at 11:45 p.m. revealed for the Dow Jones Industrial Average to close higher on Thursday, July 20th, 2017. Strong trading is expected all day, closing 80 to 120 points higher at the end of the trading day.
This session was done at midnight, perigee moon, KP in the "sweet spot" between 7 and 11 (Fredericksburg) and biorhythum of emotional and intuitive peaking. This is due to the fact that during summer in Hawaii the 8:45 and 13:30LST times are "dark" ie; they occur during the day.
Result and Discussion
On Thursday July 20th, 2017, the dow closed down approximately 29 points.
Even through many variables were in favor, the ARV session was conducted at 7:30LST (midnight). This is a time that remote viewing accuracy is not in the prime zone.
Original text posted on Wednesday May 17th, 2017.
"Results of the Dow Jones ARV session conducted on Wednesday May 17th, 2017. The session revealed for the Dow Jones to close lower on Friday May 19th, 2017. The Dow Jones will open weaker in the morning, showing stronger trading activity by the midafternoon. After peaking in the mid-afternoon the Dow Jones will then begin showing weaker trading activity dipping as low as - 220 points and then re-bounding slightly closing at the end of the day between - 80 and - 120 points lower."
On Friday may 20th, 2017 the dow closed up + 141.82 (0.69%)
10.7 CM flux Source
The good news is that we now know for sure that the sun&¦39;s 10.7 cm flux is responsible for either a successful or negative ARV session. As of 2017 no accurate forecasting of the sun&¦39;s 10.7cm radio flux exists (at least publically). Lockheed is as close as it gets and it is not a day to day forecast. So from now on we will be using a new method to forecast the rising 10.7cm solar flux and that is when the barometric air pressure has peaked, showing a small dip in the dew-point. This has worked well in the past and will be applied towards our future forecasts in order to increase accuracy.
Because Solar Weather is still in it&¦39;s early infancy, many of you have been directed to check this page 3 days before the posted date. A new tool has become available so that you can automatically receive an e-mail when this webpage is updated with the final date. The tool is free is called VisualPing. Their address is listed below:
Analysis of the Dow Jones ARV session conducted on Friday April 28th, 2017.
Orginal text posted on Friday Night April 28th, 2017
"The Dow Jones ARV session conducted on Friday April 28th, 2017 revealed the following - The Dow Jones will close higher on Monday, May 1st, 2017. At opening bell, trading activity will show significantly stronger trading activity, with weaker activity around noon. Strong trading will pick up again after noon, after which point the Dow will then close between 50 and 65 points higher"
Result - Dow closed down - 27 points. Trading activity dropped at 1 p.m. and trading showed medium activity through the day. The dow was on its way to closing higher, but dropped below our forecast the last 30 minutes of trading activity.
Solar Weather Analysis:
Solar wind speed during the ARV session on April 28th, 2017 was around 500.
10.7 cm radio flux levels were steady.
Fredericksburg KP levels were out of the favorable range which is between 7 and 11. On the day the ARV session was conducted KP was at 6.
Another minor issue is the Barometric Air Prsesure had not peaked and was going into decline. The decline of Barometric Air Pressure has been a favorable condition to successful ARV sessions.
We attribute the minor discrepency in this session to the following:
1- The moon was within 1 day of Perigee. Perigee moons have been assoicated with more inaccurate ARV sessions as our research has shown over the years.
2 - Fredericksburg KP levels were out of the favorable range which is between 7 and 11. On the day the ARV session was conducted KP was at 6.
Final Conclusion - Sesions will be avoided at the peak of Perigee moons. Also our equipment and technology is getting better and better. Hopefully in time we will find a way to overcome this interference.
> ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Check this page 3 days before the aformentioned date as solar weather forecasting is still in its early stages.
I wanted to put the above video to show that the U.S. Government Top Secret Research Project Looking Glass has similar results to what we are getting in our ARV sessions. The above video is a clip from 30 year Area 51 researcher Ron Garner.
Dow Analysis for the results on Thursday, April 19th, 2017 -
Below is the original text posted on Monday night April 17th, 2017
- "The results of the ARV session conducted on Monday April 17th, 2017, revealed for the Dow Jones to close LOWER on Wednesday April 19th, 2017. Stronger, and above average trading activity will occur as soon as the markets open, followed by a decline beginning in the early afternoon, whereupon the Dow will close lower. Closing range is expected between - 130 and - 140 points lower at closing bell"
Result - On Wednesday April 19th, 2017, the Dow Jones Industrial Average DOWN - 118.79 points
This Dow Jones ARV session was a complete success, altthough we were off on our by our original estimate by approximately 12 points in the lower range.
This ARV session was unique in that Fredericksburg KP levels were not descending into the 7 to 11 range and were descending into 3. solar wind speeds had been in the 320 range the previous 48 hours and were not descending.
KP Data
The key element here that achieved the success was that there was a solar flare a few days ago that resulted in a rise/steady of the sun&¦39;s 10.7 cm radio flux and it did not go into decline. Whenever this 10.7 cm radio flux is steady or rising, that is a key element in successfull ARV sessions, even if KP is not in the 7 to 11 range.
x-ray flux
Optical Flare Data
Also the final key to this successfull forecast was barometric air pressure peaked and began falling, along with the peak and fall of the dewpoint, when the 10.7 cm raio flux was steady. By knowing this we were able to target the correct date. Simply put, cross referencing the rise in the sun&¦39;s 10.7 cm radio flux and the peak and drop in barometric air pressure gave us the correct date. Also because of the uniqueness of this ARV session, we adhered strictly to the protocol. In closing our equipment and technology has matured enough that we believe the only progress now to be made is the miniaturization of the technology.
The interplanetary magnetic field influences mid-latitude surface atmospheric pressure
Response of atmospheric pressure and air temperature to the solar events in October 2003
Cosmic Influence on the Sun-Earth Environment
You can see a video of the device, as well as a rough outline of the technology at our FAQ page.
Another key element that was responsible for the success of this ARV session was it took place at a few minutes just after sunset (8:45 LST APRIL 17th, 2017 in the islands of Hawaii) This is a period where the ionization in earth&¦39;s upper atmosphere is maximized each 24 hour cycle. The 2nd period this takes place is 45 minutes before sunrise. We have had remarkable success doing ARV sessions both just before sunrise and just after sunset when the proper solar conditions are present. The FAQ page also goes into the power of refraction, which is a key element in this technology.
Temperatures are coolest at sunrise and sunset. Hence more refraction from the sun&¦39;s light. This could mean that the energy that is responsible for the successfull ARV sessions is partly coming from our sun, possibly neutrons. Hence neutrons = tachyons.
Also another interesting observation. Both times at 8:45 LST when these sessions showed the most success were also the times that the star Sirius was directly Zenith (overhead).
The Emerald Tablet ¦10, The Keys to Time, states that right angle (to the left and then right) is a part of the flow of time. And at these ARV key dates, the Sun is on the horizon and the star Sirius directly a 90 degrees to our Sun (Overhead). This is in the hawaiian islands. Also next to our Sun, the Sirius star is the brighest star in the night sky.
Warehoused Solar Data
Analysis of the ARV session conducted on Sunday April 2nd, 2017 at 8:45 LST.
Original Text posted on Monday March 3rd, 2017
"The result of the Dow Jones ARV session conducted on Sunday April 2nd at 8:45 LST, revealed the following - On Tuesday April 4th, 2017, the Dow Jones Industrial Average is due to close UP at the end of the day with a range of between + 70 and 80 points higher.
Trading activity - On the aforementioned date, at the start of the opening bell, the Dow Jones will show weak to low trading activity, recovering mid to &¦65533;late morning showing stronger trading activity.&¦65533;
Towards the late afternoon, trading activity will show slightly less activity manifesting in the mid to strong trading range, closing 70 to 80 points higher. "
Result - The Dow Closed UP + 39.03 points higher. Weak trading manifested at the start of the opening bell, showing stronger activity by midday than tapered off by late afternoon. This session was a success even though we were off by + 30 points at the close. Let&¦39;s take a look at solar weather conditions.
Shown below is the Sun&¦39;s 10.7 cm radio flux levels. Our most accurate ARV sessions occur when the sun&¦39;s 10.7 cm Radio Flux is always increasing or steady when ARV sessions are conducted. This is due to the process of refraction, which I go into more detail on the FAQ page.
Shown below are the Middle Latitude Fredericksburg levels. On April 2nd, 2017 they were at 6. Our most accurate ARV sessions always occured when these numbers were between 7 and 11.
Solar Wind Speeds were in the mid 400 range.
In Summary - conditions combined with our instruments made this ARV session a success.
This part sounds a little crazy, but I mention it here because I believe we are dealing with parallel universes. Upon leaving the underground chamber where the ARV sessions are held, as I exited and headed back home, I clearly saw a double image of myself walking 20 seconds ahead of me. This image then faded away as I caught up to it. This experience may have been the result of my future self a few seconds into the future, perhaps in an alternate timeline. If this is true, then the technique, technology and solar weather conditions make up part of access to an alternate world or timeline. On other occasions this "alternate" me has occurred, but not as clearly. This is possibly due to the instrumentation that I am developing becoming more finely tuned to the future timeline.
Analysis of the ARV session conducted on Friday March March 24th, 2017.
Original Text Posted on Saturday March 25th, 2017 " The Dow Jones ARV session conducted on Friday March 24th, 2017 revealed for the Dow to show medium to strong trading activity and a close of - 30 points (close lower) at the end of the trading day on Monday March 27th, 2017."
Note: We had originally posted for a higher close, however our final assessment was for a close of approx - 30 points lower. We did not update the timeline page accordingly until the last moment. This is why we are implementing a 12 hour last minute change policy.
Result - On Monday March 27th, 2017, the Dow Jones Down - 45 Points and as the graph below shows, trading activity was stronger throughout the day.
Analysis -
Overall this Dow jones ARV session was a complete success. This confirms that our most accurate ARV sessions occur when the Fredericksburg KP Levels are between 7 and 11. Also the 10.7 cm Radio Flux was steady and not in decline. Below are shown the KP and 10.7 cm radio flux levels
View the Results of the last Dow Jones ARV session on the Analysis page.
View How to Make the Most Use of The Behavioral and Health Forecasting Page
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