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Important Update -
Note - All NEW ARV sessions are now being posted on
Published 2016. Wormhole Theories, Sunspot Activity and Remote Viewing Stocks
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Read the first 3 Chapters Free
Published August 2017. Remote Viewing. The Complete User&¦39;s
Manual on Experiencing Future Consciousness
A complete summary and analysis of all 76 Associative Remote Viewing Sessions over 2 years
including Remote Viewing Hardware Technology you can build to Enhance Remote Viewing.
Read the first 3 chapters FREE at
A complete summary and analysis of all 76 Associative Remote Viewing Sessions over 2 years
including Remote Viewing Hardware Technology you can build to Enhance Remote Viewing.
Read the first 3 chapters FREE at
View the Last 3 Years of Archive Forecasting
Go to 2017 February Through March (
August 28th, 2018 - ARV Analysis Table Updated. Our Sessions are getting better!!!!
The ARV Session conducted on Thursday August 23rd, 2018 was a success. This session utilized a new protocol, looking out 24 hours ahead (from 1:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Hawaii Time - 7:30 a.m. New York Time) instead of the usual 4 days. This was due to the fact that solar weather conditions were more unfavorable than usual. Also the seasonal LST was lower than usual. In the future we will be utilizing this new protocol as it appears that we may finally be able to predict the future position of specific FOREX currencies with 100% accuracy. While the FOREX market is open 24 hours, the most active hours are from approxmiately 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. New York time Mon thru Friday. The good news is that we can post the future information before the markets open. Due to this new protocol, all future ARV session details will be posted on our new website .
Remote Viewing and Cosmic Rays
The EZ3DBIZ.COM remote viewing project has always had good results when cosmic rays were higher (view analysis).. Higher solar activity involving sunspots or solar flares creates a protective shield for earth against incoming cosmic rays. Therefore less cosmic rays are a time there are less traffic accidents because reaction time is enhanced due to higher solar activity (ie: the nervous system is sharper, / more active and alert). Hence reaction time is closely linked to intuition. This is because studies have found that a person's nervous system reacts to an emotional event a few seconds before being shown an emotional picture. If one were to review the data of traffic accident studies, the data would most likely show faster reaction times (less traffic accidents) when cosmic rays are lower. The following image is courtesy of the study Traffic accident in India in relation with solar and geomagnetic activity parameters and cosmic ray intensity (1989 to 2010) P. L. Verma. As the image clearly shows, there is an increase in traffic deaths when cosmic rays increase (due to lower solar activity). Because there are also increased deaths when there are less sunspots (solar coronal index) it also means that less solar activity reduces the body's reaction / anticipatory reaction time. It is this anticipatory reaction that acts as a bridge between the future and the present. Hence, the mind knows the correct answer. If the answer is incorrect, the energy created during the ARV session sends the information from the future back to the present. The stronger the solar activity, the clearer the link between the present and future and the more clear the message.
Another study found that Heart rate
variation decreases during the declining phase of strong cosmic ray
events. These include Forbush decreases. Heart rate
increases during the ascending phase.
ray variations of solar origin in relation to humanphysiological state
during the December 2006 solar extreme events. M. Papailiou et al.
Remote Viewing and Cosmic Rays
The EZ3DBIZ.COM remote viewing project has always had good results when cosmic rays were higher (view analysis).. Higher solar activity involving sunspots or solar flares creates a protective shield for earth against incoming cosmic rays. Therefore less cosmic rays are a time there are less traffic accidents because reaction time is enhanced due to higher solar activity (ie: the nervous system is sharper, / more active and alert). Hence reaction time is closely linked to intuition. This is because studies have found that a person's nervous system reacts to an emotional event a few seconds before being shown an emotional picture. If one were to review the data of traffic accident studies, the data would most likely show faster reaction times (less traffic accidents) when cosmic rays are lower. The following image is courtesy of the study Traffic accident in India in relation with solar and geomagnetic activity parameters and cosmic ray intensity (1989 to 2010) P. L. Verma. As the image clearly shows, there is an increase in traffic deaths when cosmic rays increase. Because there are also increased deaths when there are less sunspots (solar coronal index) it also means that less solar activity reduces the body's reaction / anticipatory reaction time.
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Thank you for your interest in the ARV project and stay tuned for the next ARV session.!!!!!!
Scott Rauvers
Founder of
FOREX Currency Charts can be viewed free of charge at
August 28th, 2018 -
The Next ARV Session will take place between September 15th and September 18th, 2018. Stay tuned for the final date. All session results are now being posted on
Complete Solar Weather Analysis for the ARV Session conducted on Wednesday August 22nd, 2018 at 11:30 p.m. with the results posted a few hours later on the 23rd at 1:30 a.m.
It has been theorized that the sun can be used to see through time and maybe even to travel through time. In our research we are utilzing sunspots and specific solar weather conditions to view future positions of the FOREX up to 4 days in advance depending upon the solar conditions. Sunspots are the key element that make ths success of the ability to see through time possible. This ARV Session occured when 3 consecutive days of sunspots had been occuring with 1 S class solar flare occuring the following day When the magnetometer shows quiet activity or calming down combined with sunspot activity this creates ideal conditions. This effect is greatly ampliifed 4 days before and after full moons. Solar Wind Speed - The Solar Wind Speed during this session was out of the favorable range and at the speed of 400. It was only due to the fact that the ARV session saw out 24 hours ahead instead of the usual 4 days that made this session a success.
Magnetomer activity on August 23rd, 2018

Sunspot Activity

Middle Latitude Fredericksburg K-indices (ideal range is between 7 and 11)

Solar Wind Speed - Ideal range is 350

Polar Cap Activity Calm
Schuman Resonance Activity Low/Quiet - Ideal Conditions

ARV Session Results - POSTED ON THIS PAGE ON THURSDAY AUGUST 23RD, 2018 AT 1:30 A.M. HAWAII TIME - USD/CAD To Close higher by 4 p.m. Hawaii Time on Thursday August 23rd, 2018

View the latest Associative Dow Jones Remote Viewing Sessions
Trading results using the Cycles of the Moon
Our ARV sessions are based on the first quarter and full moon phases. I found it interesting that another trader utilizes moon activity to successfully trade the markets.
View a 1 Year data Summary of all ARV Sessions since February 2017 - (published April 2018) New Data Pattern Discovered
August 22nd, 2018 - An ARV Session will be conducted tonight. Solar wind speeds are around 423, however the polar cap index is calmer and KP values are around 7. This session will utilize our new protocol of posting the results at 2 a.m. Hawaii time before the markets open. The ARV session will be only for the closing position of the FOREX currency remote viewed for Thursday the 23rd of August, 2018 as solar weather conditions will turn unfavorable after this time.
Analysis and Results for the ARV Session conducted on Tuesday Friday August 3rd, 2018 at 11:30 p.m.
1 fail and 1 success. We attribute the failure to the adrupt and unexpected rise in the solar wind which took place on the night of the ARV session and resulted in a disrupted magnometer. The Schuman resonance also showed an increase in activity on the 1st.
These distrubances were from sunspots that had taken place the previous 48 hours.
The Summary
Table shows further details.
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Hence, we may have discovered another window. Thus being the period up to 5 days after a full moon, but no further, when combined with the following solar weather conditions:This means in order to have a successful ARV session without the booster effect provided by the full moon these conditions must be present.
Results for the FOREX Remote Viewing Sesssion conducted on Monday Evening July 2nd, 2018.
Solar Weather Conditions were Perfect.
5 Days After the June Full Moon
Solar Wind Speed was approximately 330
KP was approximately 4
Polar Cap Index was in decline / Quiet
The 10.7cm Solar Radio Flux Rose
The above are all perfect conditions for a successful ARV sesssion. The only exception is this sesssion was not done before a full moon.
As a side note, I have noticed that our ARV windows (the dates that we do our ARV sessions) are very close to the global peace meditations which Billy Meier is involved in. For those of you who are new, Billy Meier is a contactee from an advanced Time Travelling Extraterrestial race of beings. Hence, these global peace meditations may be reducing / stopping major violent acts from occuring in the near future, as our ARV sessions are performed on dates seeing into the future is much easier.
1st Session - USD/JPY

2nd Session

Lunar Eclipses Enhance Cosmic Ray Numbers
Unexpected enhancement in secondary cosmic ray flux during the total lunar eclipse of December 10, 2011
Analysis of the ARV Session conducted on Tuesday Evening May 29th, 2018.
This session was a wonderful success! Our theory about interference occurring when the markets are open during ARV sessions proves sound, as well as the enhanced accuracy occuring around full moons when solar weather conditions are favorable.
The disturbance / mild solar activity that was taking place when the ARV session was conducted did not greatly affect the magnetometer (a good thing). This form of solar activity has occured in the past and has greatly boosted ARV sessions when it is low or moderate. On the other hand major disturbances in the magnetometer that come from major and strong solar flare activity, greatly reduce the accuracy of ARV sessions. It may be that a sweet spot of solar activity exists that greatly enhances ARV sessions. This sweet spot is like the sweet spot of the Middle Latitude Fredericksburg K-indices being between 11 and 7 and the sweet spot solar wind speed of between 330 and 350. In conclusion when solar flare activity occurs again around full moons, it must be of low to moderate levels in the range shown below in order to avoid it disrupting the accuracy of the ARV session.
Conclusion Summary -
The success of ARV Sessions are enhanced during times of increased cosmic rays. The suns solar wind is playing a major role. When there is mild to very low sunspot activity and the suns solar wind speed is favorable (350), the mild solar activity is providing a boost / amplification effect, enhancing the success of ARV sessions.
Source Source: NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
Source: NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
All Data is Courtesy of You can open a free practice account to view the activity graphs used on this webpage.
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The Sun's 10.7cm radio flux dropped
Very mild solar activity was taking place
Magnetometer activity showed mild disturbances
Solar Wind Speed was in the perfect range of 350
USD/JPY - Buy Wednesday May 29th, 2018, sell on Friday afternoon June 1st, 2018 - TO CLOSE HIGHER
USD/CAD -- Buy Wednesday May 29th, 2018, sell on Friday afternoon June 1st, 2018 - TO CLOSE LOWER
Please note this is a hypothetical model only and IS NOT BE USED FOR SERIOUS INVESTING

Below is a picture of the device in operation. Learn more at the device page

In the Video Below Dr. Steven Greer discusses trans-dimensional electronics systems.
Results for the FOREX ARV Session conducted on Sunday evening May 20th, 2018.
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The session for the AUD/USD was correct, with results for the GBP/JPY being incorrect.
Possible reason for the GBP/JPY Session being incorrect -
We had noted that during all successful ARV sessions that. the financial markets were closed, including the Dow Jones Sessions as our ARV sessions are conducted at midnight Hawaii Time. If we observe the previous ARV sessions involving the British Pound, we see that it also failed. The theory behind this is that the FOREX for the British Pound is open when our ARV sessions are conducted. Hence, there must be some form of interference taking place when we remote view a financials market when it is open.
Also other factors were the sun's 10.7cm radio flux dropped and KP was 3, which was out of the favorable range of between 11 and 7. However next ARV session is within 3 days of the full moon, which usually overrides these parameters. If all goes well this next ARV session should be a complete success.
So from now on we will exclude the British Pound FOREX market during our ARV sessions, unless we do the ARV session in London. Because the Tokyo / Asian FOREX markets are also very close to the times we do our ARV sessions, these will also be excluded. So all future ARV sessions will consist of the following currencies (of which we shall pick two at random)
Also we will stop the dowsing method and remote view the FOREX market even if it it closes lower as one can purchase an options contract or short sell to make money if the FOREX currency declines in price. Out next ARV Session will take place with these new protocols on Sunday, May 27th, 2018.
Go to Forex Market Trading Hours Page
Short Selling. How to Make Money in the FOREX when it Declines in Value
Beginner's Trading in short selling.
Trading foreign exchange carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Before deciding to trade foreign exchange you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite. The possibility exists that you could sustain a loss of some or all of your investment and therefore you should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. You should be aware of all the risks associated with foreign exchange trading, and seek advice from an independent financial advisor if you have any doubts. PLEASE BE AWARE OUR REMOTE VIEWING OF THE FOREX IS INTENDED TO LIMIT THE RISKS PRESENT AND AIM FOR 100% ACCURACY. WE HOPE TO HAVE ACHIEVED THIS AIM BY DECEMBER OF 2018.
Results for the ARV Session conducted on Sunday Evening May 20th, 2018. Going into coherence on this date was extremely easy, due to the favorable solar weather conditions. The results posted below are for FOREX activity in the selected markts from Monday May 21st, 2018 until Thursday May 24th, 2018 4 p.m. Hawaii Time.
Session 1
GBP/JPY - For the days from Monday May 21st, 2018 until 4 p.m. Thursday May 24th, 2018. Hawaii Time

Session 2
AUD/USD - For the days from Monday May 21st, 2018 until 4 p.m. Thursday May 24th, 2018. Hawaii Time

Solar Weather Conditions on 20th of May 2018 -
Solar Wind Speed 333.
10.7 cm solar radio flux dropped 1 point. This unfavourable attribute was overridden by favorable solar wind speed and the ARV session was conducted at the peak of a barometric air pressure, which started falling in the coming days.
Middle Latitude Fredericksburg K-Indices was at 3
Magnetometer Activity was very quiet / calm.
All in all, solar weather conditions for the ARV session were extremely favorable, which explains the ease of getting into coherence.
Results for the FOREX ARV Viewing Session.
The ARV session began on Sunday evening April 29th, 2018 at approximately 10:30 p.m. looking out to the date of Wednesday May 2nd, 2018 at 4 p.m. Hawaii Time. Charts are provided by of which you can open a free demo account. The charts below show the timeline from 10:30 p.m.Sunday evening April 29th, 2018 to Wednesday May 2nd, 2018 at 4 p.m. Hawaii Time. Image on the left is the image received during the ARV session. Image on the right is the actual activity from the aforementioned dates.
Onada uses UTC time in their chart listings. To look up the time line the following conversions are necessary - BEGIN 10:30 pm hawaii time is 8:30 a.m. UTC - END 4:00 PM Wednesday, Hawaii time is 2:00 a.m. UTC.
Discussion and Results -
As shown below, we got two of the three snapshots correct. This means that by our third ARV session, fatigue may be a contributing factor. Future sessions willl see if this is a trend. If so, future FOREX remote viewing sesions will only take two snapshots of future positions of the FOREX>
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original text posted Monday morning after the Sunday night ARV session.
Results for the ARV Session conducted on Sunday Evening April 29th, 2018
This session was our first in looking at the future position of the currencies (FOREX). Because there are so many currencies, only the ones that are traded the most are chosen. This is because these have the highest up / down range over a period of days. This means it was also our first ARV session looking at an expanded timeline. Hence we are looking at currency trading activity over a period of 3 days, rather than just a single day (24 hours) of the dow jones. Also in order to pre-select the currencies that will rise the most in the coming days a dowsing session is conducted to select the best 3. During the ARV session, "snapshots" of the selected three are utlized, giving the final results posted below. The ARV session was conducted on Sunday evening, April 29th, 2018. The final end date was Wednesday afternoon May 2nd 2018. This was chosen because solar wind speeds picked up again. This was also our first session looking at 3 financials in a row (3 currencies) rather than just a single index (the dow jones). First time beginner's luck may play a role in these results and future sessions adhering to the ARV protocol should hopefully take care of the beginner's luck effect as future ARV sessions continue looking at the currencies. You will see in the photographs "1st session", "2nd session" etc. This is to show the ARV session was done in consecutive order. Hence, if our best results are on the first or second session, we will use that for future protocols.



Solar Weather on April 29th, 2018
Magnometer - Calm and Quiet
Moon Phase - Approx 12 hours from full
Cosmic Rays - Moderate Rise
Flare Activity - None
10.7cm Radio Flux - Increasing by 1 point
Dewpoint Dropping -
Solar Wind Speed - 440
Summary of Solar Weather Conditions
All conditions, with the exception of the solar wind speed, which was slightly above normal, were within parameters for a successful ARV session. Because the magnometer was calm/quiet, this should off-set the slightly elevated solar wind speed.
Middle Latitude Fredericksburg K-indices - 3
New Associative Remote Viewing of the financials strategy. We have determined that the arv amplification device we have built functions more like a time camera. As shown below we are getting snapshots of the trading activity, yet the emotions / interpretation of the images, are contributing to mixed signals. The below ARV session (April 10th, 2018) called for a lower dow, and the snapshot received during the ARV session showed this activity, yet the dow closed up higher.
Snapshot received using the ARV technology
This same effect also took place in an ARV session conducted on Wednesday evening February 28th, 2018. Our research has found that FOREX charts do not display such an effect, also with FOREX trading one can begin with as little as $200, making this a more accessible resource for those wanting to use this technology to successfully trade the financial markets using closed forward contracts (the value date).
Dow Jones ARV Sesion Analysis Summary. April 10th, 2018
On April 7th, 2018 the dow closed up approximately + 40 points higher.
While solar weather conditions were perfect, the moon was in its last quarter. Future ARV sessions will now be conducted during the moon's first quarter and full moons. Our full report on the accuracy of the moon's first quarter can be found here. We have revised our ARV analysis to find the reason for this failed ARV session was it was not done at the first quarter moon.
April 7th, 2018.
Results for the Dow Jones ARV session conducted on Friday evening April 6th, 2018 revealed for the Dow Jones to close between - 150 to - 180 points lower. This session was conducted utilizing our revised / updated ARV protocol.
April 10th, 2018
We have revised our ARV analysis to find the reason for this failed ARV session was it was not done at the first quarter moon.